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To the man in the fog, 

I’d like to thank you for your kind help in the terrible fog last week. I was so  51   ---I could hear my heart beating very fast,  52   you made me feel safe with your  53  .

That Monday, I tried to take my usual  54   home before the fog got too thick, but the bus conductor told me to go to Green Park by  55   and find a taxi there. I followed his  56  . When I arrived at Green Park and got to the station entrance, it was  57  . The fog lay like a thick grey cloud. Weather that bad is really  58  these days. It was impossible to find a  59  .

I had to walk in the fog. I became frightened as I could hear  60   but couldn’t see anyone. You spoke to me and offered help. I was frozen with  61   for a moment, but then I decided you had a(an)  62   voice, so I answered you.

It was the best decision I ever  63  . You took my hand and led me  64   through the foggy streets to my house. Your hand was  65   but strong and warm. Imagine my surprise when you told me you were  66  ! I wanted to invite you to my home to rest for a while, but you  67   so quickly to help other people who were  68   in the fog. I regret that I didn’t have the chance to express my  69   to you. If anyone knows this kind man, please contact me

  70   the newspaper so I can thank him personally.

Polly Townsend

51. A. kind         B. frightened      C. brave         D. rude

52. A. so          B. since        C. but          D. and

53. A. kindness       B. smile          C. figure           D. sadness

54. A. underground       B. taxi          C. train            D. bus

55. A. bus          B. plane        C. taxi            D. underground

56. A. steps           B. idea         C. advice           D. way

57. A. filled          B. crowded       C. deserted        D. occupied

58. A. rare           B. common        C. usual          D. ordinary

59. A. man           B. taxi           C. woman        D. policeman

60. A. music        B. footsteps       C. wind          D. jokes

61. A. cold           B. dark         C. heat          D. fear

62. A. nice          B. famous        C. kind         D. interesting

63. A. made         B. had           C. met           D. saw

64. A. easily         B. attentively      C. carefully       D. confidently

65. A. rough          B. cold          C. dirty          D. big

66. A. tall             B. blind          C. short          D. deaf

67. A. came          B. arrived       C. left            D. returned

68. A. left           B. walking        C. working         D. lost

69. A. sorrow       B. thanks       C. fortune        D. happiness

70. A. through        B. by          C. in            D. on

第II卷 (三个大题,共80分)


50. When I got off the bus, I found my wallet ________.

  A. missing        B. missed        C. losing           D. disappeared


49. It is hard to imagine ________ our lives would be like if we did not have electricity.

 A. what           B. which          C. that             D. how


48. Why do you want to buy this car? It is ________ practical ________ cheap.

 A. either; or         B. not only; but      C. both; and       D. neither; nor


47. The number of people invited to the party _________ fifty, but a number of them

__________ absent for different reasons.

  A. were; was       B. was; was         C. were; were       D. was; were


46. The physics teacher told us that the moon _________ around the earth.

  A. is moving       B. was moving       C. moved           D. moves


45. Every morning Helen goes for a jog, with her dog ________  after her.

  A. run         B. ran          C. running         D. to run

