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35.They _____ the computer problem, which in turn helped us get back online.

A. have solved           B. had solved    C. solve        D. solved


34.Those who steal books in the library _____ not be allowed to borrow any again in the future.

A. shall            B. must         C. may         D. can


33.I wish there were taxis now in the street. I can never seem to find _____ when I need it.

A. it              B. them        C. one         D. those


32.––What did you find most surprising about Johnny Deep in “Pirates”?


A. He has no fear      B. That he has no fear  C. What he has no fear  D. When he has no fear


31.Have you ever changed an answer on a test, _____ out later that your first answer was the right one?

A. only to find        B. finding       C. have found   D. to have found


30.People love to waste time on the Internet and if it’s at all funny they’ll go there, _____ who put it up there.

A. regardless of       B. instead of     C. in spite of     D. in case of

