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31.When he came back, he found the bag he had ___________ over the seat was gone.

    A.left to hang      B.left hanging     C.left hung        D.to leave hanging


30.I had arranged for me to visit my parents that weekend, but I couldn’t ___________, for I was busy preparing a reception.

    A. make it     B.do it           C.manage it       D.work it


29.On AIDS Day, the minister of Health Department demanded that the problems __________ paid special attention to.

    A.referred to being                 B.referred to be

    C. refer to being                  D.refer to be


28.Facing the __________ situation the sales manager looked __________.

    A.puzzling; puzzled            B.puzzling; puzzling 

    C.puzzled; puzzled            D.puzzled; puzzling


27.The year 1959 _________ the first appearance of a real flying ship in the world.

    A.saw          B.watched       C.came         D.took


26.His ability has never been in doubt----the question is ___________ or not he is prepared to work hard.

    A.that           B.if           C.where          D.whether


25.She ___________ from that that her grandmother did not like her.

    A.concluded      B.included       C.decided      D.referred


24.I think you should have let him finish his speech, ____________ you disagreed with him.

    A.whatever      B.wherever    C.no matter what   D.however much


23.On their arrival, they found the people suffering the earthquake were __________ food and water supplies.

    A.in praise of      B.in honor of     C.in face of      D.in want of


22. ---No, I’m afraid he isn’t in. This is his secretary speaking. Can I help you?


    A.Oh, you will               B.Oh, that’s a pity

    C.I should think so             D. Well, I look forward to hearing from you

