0  169177  169185  169191  169195  169201  169203  169207  169213  169215  169221  169227  169231  169233  169237  169243  169245  169251  169255  169257  169261  169263  169267  169269  169271  169272  169273  169275  169276  169277  169279  169281  169285  169287  169291  169293  169297  169303  169305  169311  169315  169317  169321  169327  169333  169335  169341  169345  169347  169353  169357  169363  169371  447090 

85.  His heroism is beyond p__________. (赞美)

B.   Choose the right phrase in the box and fill in the blanks in its proper forms.

in a row,  stand out,  take account of ,  make for ,  in return for ,  refer to, 
bring up,  apart from,  run out,  break out,


84.  An overwhelming sense of guilt a________(出现) from my action.


83.  The contacts between China and Africa over the centuries led to the awareness of each other’s e_____________. (存在)


82.  She r__________(像)her mother in the way she moves her hands when she talks.


81.  As a c_____________ (结果)of his carelessness, his car knocked into a tree.


80.  Too old to work much, the retired worker is very e____________(热心的)about neighborhood affairs.


79.  Australia is such a f _____________(迷人的) country that I would like to go there again.


78.  In his third a_______________(努力) to swim across the strait, he succeeded.


77.  G_______________(逐渐地) he realized the importance of reading.


A.  Fill in the blanks with the right expression in its proper forms.

76.  The clock will help you to be aware of time and c___________ (集中) your mind on the immediate task.

