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第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

Some of the most common American gestures have very different meanings in 36   areas of the world. Take the handshake for example. In America, a strong,  37   handshake shows a confident person, someone you can trust, a good leader, but people might be 38  in Asia and the Middle East where they prefer a much looser handshake. Other American gestures are considered very 39  in other countries, such as direct eye contact. To an American, eye contact shows that someone is telling the truth or is 40  in what he or she hears. But if you lived in parts of Asia or Africa, people might be 41  . There are many chances for you to be confused by gestures and body 42   when you travel. 43   your head up and down for “ yes” and shaking your head from side to side for “no” mean the 44   in parts of eastern Europe. The same applies to waving your hand left to right for “hello” or “goodbye”. This can mean “45 ” in Asia and parts of Europe! If you go to Argentina, you might be offended and think someone is calling you crazy when you see them 46   at their head or ear and move their first finger in a circle. Although this means someone or something is 47  in America, in Argentina, it just means that you have a phone call!

If you 48   to get someone to come over to where you are, you might hold out your hand, with the palm up and fingers facing in, and curl your first finger in and 49  . But don’t do that in Asia, because it isn’t very 50  .

The last gestures I want to talk about are 51  we call ‘thumbs up’ and the ‘OK’ sign. If you 52   your hand and hold up your thumb, this gesture is used in many countries, but it means the number one in Germany and Japan 53   of ‘good job’ like it does in America. If you 54   a circle with your thumb and first finger, and point the other three fingers up, you are saying ‘yes’ or that 55   is okay if you are in America. But in France it means zero, in Japan it means money, and if you are in Brazil or Germany, it is very rude!

36.A.the            B.some          C.else        D.other

37.A.soft           B.firm         C.loose       D.nice

38.A.happy          B.disappointed     C.surprised      D.sad

39.A.rude         B.polite         C.glad        D.satisfied

41.A.pleased       B.offended      C.angry        D.attacked

42.A.movement      B.action        C.language      D.tongue

43.A.Moving       B.Nodding       C.Shaking       D.Holding

44.A.opposite      B.different      C.same        D.similar

45.A.yes         B.hello        C.goodbye      D.no

46.A.point        B.stare        C.look        D.feel

47.A.happy        B.sad         C.angry        D.crazy

48.A.wish         B.hope         C.want       D.need

49.A.out          B.down        C.up           D.away

50.A.strange        B.polite         C.rude        D.surprising

51.A.that         B.what         C.which       D.whether

52.A.open         B.take          C.turn        D.close

53.A.instead        B.because       C.fond        D.tired

54.A.draw        B.make        C.move        D.do

55.A.everything      B.anything      C.something      D.nothing

第Ⅱ卷 (共35分)


3.This accident will have a ________effect on the ________boy.

    A.last; frighten          B.lasting; frightened

    C.lasted; frightened       D.lasting; frightening


34.John had no choice but _________the army in the end.

    A.to join        B.join         C.join in        D.to join in


33.The factory which ________now will produce 50,000 cars a year.

    A.has built       B.is built       C.is being built     D.is building


32.Going to the cinema? OK! Please wait a while; I’ll just go and _________.

    A.be changed                      B.get my clothes change 

    C.get changed                     D.am changing


31.The boy is tall and strong, so he ________be Wolly, the American exchange student.

    A.can        B.may         C.should        D.is going to

