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26. ---The last one_______ pays the meal. 


A. arrived            B. arrives            C. to arrive       D. arriving


25. This cloth_____ well and _______ comfortably.

     A. washes…wears                       B. is washed…wore   

C. are washed…worn                        D. is washed…worn


24. Rain forests _____and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future.

A. are been cut    B. are cut           C. are being cut       D. had been cut


23.Americans eat _____ vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.

    A. more than twice     B. as twice as many    C. twice as many as    D. more than twice as many


22. Some experts think that language learning is much ______ for children as their tongues are more flexible.

    A. easy            B. easier          C. easily             D. more easy     


第一节 单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

21. After the explosion, the roads are full of ________ people leaving the city.

A. afraid            B.  frightened        C. frightening         D. scary 


第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)



6. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

  A. When they surf the Web.       B. What they do on the Internet. 

C. How they look up information online.

7. How often does the man surf the Internet?

  A. Once a week.            B. Twice a week.           C. Several times a week.

8. What do we know about the man?

A. He has never sent e-mails.      B. He gets some information from the Web.

C. He prefers reading books in library.


  9. What will the man do?

   A. Have a holiday.               B. Leave school to get a job.         

C. Write letters to his friends.

  10. What does the woman mean in her last sentence?

   A. It’s good to get some experiences.   B. It’s good to find a job as a clerk.

C. She doesn’t like the job either.


  11. Who is the woman?

   A. A history teacher.          B. A student from Britain.       C. A student of Chinese.

  12. What is the woman doing?

   A. Asking for help.           B. Having a walk.             C. Going to the office.

  13. What can we learn from the conversation?

   A. The woman likes the man’s classes.      B. The man knows the woman very well.

C. The man is going to leave the school.


  14.What will the man finally buy?

   A. A ring.                 B. A necklace.               C. A watch.

  15. How much will the man pay?

   A. $2,000.                 B. $2,250.                  C. $2,500.

  16. What can we learn from the conversation?

   A. The man wants to buy a gold ring at first.    B. The man’s wife is often late for work.

   C. The man will pay by cash.


  17. What is the woman?

   A. A song writer.                B. A singer.                 C. An announcer.

  18. What is the woman talking about?

   A. Programs of pop.          B. The history of pop.          C. Singers of pop.

  19. Which series is based on interviews with popular singers?

   A. The History of Pop.        B. About the Big Hits.          C. Pop Words.

  20. What can we learn from the talk?

   A. It’s very easy for native English speakers to understand pop songs.

   B. You can listen to Pop World of BBC International in the evening.

   C. “The Road to Music” is helpful in understanding the words of pop music.


第一节       (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


  1. How many colds has the man had?

A. 2.                    B. 3.                      C. 4.

  1. Who will go to Canada?

A. The woman.            B. The woman’s brother.    C. The man and Ken.

  3. Where does this conversation probably take place?

     A. At a shop.              B. In a house.            C. At a restaurant.

  4. What is the boy going to do?

    A. See a film.              B. Do his homework.       C. Play with his classmates.

  5. When will the test be made?

    A. On Thursday.            B. On Tuesday.           C. On Monday.



时  间
活  动  内  容



3.参考词汇:鸟巢Bird's Nest,  水立方Water Cube,  四合院Chinese courtyard house 


We’re glad that a couple of your students will come to our school for a week of cultural exchange. For your reference, here are the arrangements for the activity.               



