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29. Why are the housing prices in big cities going up all the time?

-----One reason is that people are__________ into overcrowded cities in great numbers.

A. breaking     B. filling     C. pouring     D. hurrying


28.-Which hotel are you in?

-I_________ in a hotel. A friend I met on the train from the south __________ to put me up for a couple of nights.

A. haven’t stayed; has offered          B.am not staying; offered 

C. am not staying; is offering     D. do not stay; offers


27. Many early Europeans, __________ the earth to be flat, feared that Columbus would fall off the edge of the earth.

  A. believing        B. haveing believed   C. believed       D. to believe


26. Lang lang is my favorite pianist. I regards him as __________ other pianists.

  A. superior to      B. more superior to    C. surperior than  D. more surprior than


25.A well-written composition__________ a good choice of words and clear organization among other things.

  A. calls on     B. calls for          C. calls up       D. calls off


24. It’s not surprising, with the huge popularity of the movie Pairates of the Caribbean, ________ two more have been produced.

  A. which        B. what          C. so          D. That


23. The students were participating __________ an international energy-saving competition between towns in New England and Canada.

  A. for          B. in     C. to      D. at


22.Peter, if you don’t like to swim, you __________ as well watch TV at home.

A. should         B. may     C. can    D. would


Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.   choose one answer that best complete the sentence.

21.___________ Olympic Marathon is 26 miles and 385 yards, ____________ distance from Marathon to Athens.

A. The;  the        B./; a      C. An; a     D. /;the


第二节  写作(满分30分)

假设你叫李明,你的英国笔友David 是个教师,他和家人想要来中国定居,请你帮他在A、B 两个城市中做出选择。下面的图表对两个城市的就业机会、居住环境和娱乐三个方面进行对比。请你根据该表提供的信息用英语写一封电子邮件,提出你的建议并说明理由。图表左边的数字说明人们对这两个城市的喜爱程度。

注意: 词数100左右;短文开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。


Dear David,

I’m so glad to learn that you and your family are coming to settle down in China.




                                   Your friend,

Li Ming

