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27.    worried the doctors most was   they could find the cause of the disease.

A. What; how         B. That; that        C. What; what     D. How; what


26. When ______ about his success, the great man said with a big smile on his face: “One sometimes finds what one is not looking for.”

A. being asked      B. asked       C. asking       D. to ask


25. When you study the local map, you’ll find this town is ______ .

A. twice as a large town as that        B. twice the size of that one

C. twice as larger as that one         D. twice as larger a town as that


24. Was it in the beautiful park ______ was located by the sea ______ we first met our new Chinese teacher?

A. where; which        B. which; which       C. that; that      D. which; where


23. Della, with a sad smile on her face, lay on the grass with her beautiful-looking arms ______ under her small head.

  A. crossing       B. crosses      C. to cross      D. crossed 


22. Do come back home early tomorrow ______ we’ll toast to Father’s birthday with a glass of wine together.

A. otherwise       B. then        C. and        D. or


第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21. ______ rich only occupy themselves with making money and profits, and have no eye for ______ needs and welfare of the poor.

A. 不填;不填     B. 不填; the     C. The; 不填     D. The; the

