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22.We’re already discussed the subject       great length.

A.at           B.in           C.on          D.to


21.I have       on my conscience that I may have offended you last night ?

A.this          B.that          C.those        D.it




6.What can the women be ?

A.A secretary of Mr. Li’s          B.A desk clerk at a hotel

C.A waitress at the Blackwood Hotel

7.Why did the man ask the woman to change the dollar ?

A.To pay for the information       B.To take a bus      C.To make a phone call


8.When does the father usually give his daughter money ?

A.On Friday                   B.On Saturday       C.On Sunday

9.What can we learn from the dialogue ?

A.The father keeps his secret money in the bedroom

B.The daughter will spend all the money on books

C.The father usually gives his daughter $ 13 a week


10.What’s the relationship between the two speakers ?

A.Friends              B.Strangers      C.Classmates

11.How long will the man stay here ?

A.7 days               B.2 weeks       C.1 month

12.What does the man like about China ?

A.High  mountains        B.Long rivers    C.High mountains, long rivers and people


13.What is the woman going to buy ?

A.Some beautiful fish      B.A small bottle   C.A few rocks

14.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In the market         B.In an office    C.At home

15.What does the man advise the woman to do ?

A.Keep the fish in a bottle             B.Get a tank to keep the fish

C.Make some holes in the rocks

16.Why should a few rocks be put into the tank ?

A.To let the fish swim around          B.To make the tank prettier

C.To keep the water clean


17.How long do most Americans sleep for an average ?

A.Seven to nine hours                B.Six point five to eight hours

C.Seven to eight hours

18.How many Americans have problem with sleep?

A.One third         B.Two thirds            C.One fourth

19.How many beds had King Louis XIV of France for sleep ?

A.Four             B.Thirteen          C.Four hundred and thirteen

20.What are the average sleep hours for the people after the age of fifty ?

A.Seven point five    B.Seven            C.Six point five



1.What do you know about the woman ?

A.She had to work overtime               B.She failed to see Henry

C.She had a traffic accident

2.What does the man mean ?

A.He wonders why she is here            B.He himself is Dr. Johnson

C.The doctor will be here soon

3.What is the woman doing now ?

A.Teaching at a school           B.Going into politics       C.Doing business

4.Where is the woman now ?

A.At the office              B.In her house           C.In a hospital

5.What did the woman want the man to do ?

A.To come within 30 minutes   B.To check the pipes      C.To tell her the leak



目前医疗费不断攀升,有人因付不起昂贵的医疗费而只好忍受疾病的折磨。人们强烈呼吁政府应当建立有效的医疗保障体制。请根据下面图画,以“Health Care”为题写一篇短文,简要说明图画中所表达的内容,重点阐述这种现象所带来的后果和你的观点。

注意:1. 短文应包括图中所提供的主要信息,并做适当发挥,使短文内容连贯、完整;

2. 词数:120左右。

