0  169266  169274  169280  169284  169290  169292  169296  169302  169304  169310  169316  169320  169322  169326  169332  169334  169340  169344  169346  169350  169352  169356  169358  169360  169361  169362  169364  169365  169366  169368  169370  169374  169376  169380  169382  169386  169392  169394  169400  169404  169406  169410  169416  169422  169424  169430  169434  169436  169442  169446  169452  169460  447090 

27. –Ouch! You hurt me!

  –I am sorry. But I _______ any harm. I ________ to drive a rat out.

    A. didn’t mean; tried                     B. don’t mean; trying  

C. haven’t meant; tried                    D. didn’t mean; was trying


26. Who do you think will take ______office next month and be in______charge of the government work?

    A. a, the            B. / , /              C. the, /             D. the, a


25. –Doctor, what shall I do then?

  –I’d just advise you to live _________ the air is fresh.

    A. in where          B. where            C. in which          D. the place where


24. Oh, my God. My hat is totally out of _________. Did anyone sit on it just now?

    A. order            B. control               C. shape            D. balance


23. –I don’t know what I ________ without the suitcase you lent me.

–Glad to have been of some help to you.

    A. would have done    B. would do          C. should have done    D. should do


22. Dr. Smith managed to get to work on time this morning, though ________ in a traffic jam.

    A. caught               B. being caught       C. to be caught       D. having been caught




21. John has recovered and ________ 3 kilos since he left hospital last month.

    A. put up            B. put down          C. put away          D. put on


第一节 词汇(共25题,每小题1分,满分25分)


1.Not only is homework help completely free to Indiana middle school and high school kids, but the call is also free of ________.

2.This boy is very smart and very good at physics; he may be _______ Einstein.

3.We had a friendly chat ______ the meal.

4.They also emphasize that the performances have changed _______ over the years

and that they are just dull and boring.

5.The old man lived in a small house near the beach all by himself.But he said he

never felt ______ and he was satisfied with the quiet life.

6.Of course you can learn some things _______ at home than at school, like how to

do the shopping, and how to help the old.

7.A fast food restaurant is the place _______, just as the name suggests, eating is

performed quickly.

8.Can you see that beautiful goose? It’s one of the ten ______ that he keeps on his farm.

9.I spent the whole day repairing the motorbike.The work is _______ but easy.

10.These free tutoring program is a great benefit _______ middle school and high

school students in Indiana.


11.The earliest ___________(calculate) in China is abacus.

12.We must do everything to __________(strong) the government of the people,

by the people and for the people.

13.You don’t sound very _________(enthusiasm) about the idea.

14.He entered the room _________(legal), so he was caught by the police.

15.It’s time you __________ (settlement) your differences with your father.

16.It was by accident that he broke the beautiful vase; he didn’t do that ___________(deliberate).

17.Despite mistakes and __________(weak), it did a great deal of good work inside

 the trade unions.

18.It is said that dogs will keep you c______________ when you feel lonely..

19.His selfishness is the r________ of the trouble.

20.The mayor has offered a r__________ of $ 5,ooo to whoever can catch the tiger

 alive or dead.

21.Hope for the best and prepare for the worst, as the s_______ goes.

22.The o_______ of the world is still a complete mystery to us.No one knows

exactly how the world came into being.

23.The road needs w________ as there is more and more traffic now.

24.Blood c____________ through the body.

25.When you approach someone, your f_________ expression shows whether you

are friendly or not.

第二节 基础写作(共1题,满分15分)



新光中学(Xinguang Middle School)高三年级学生将于9月9日去体检。













