0  169291  169299  169305  169309  169315  169317  169321  169327  169329  169335  169341  169345  169347  169351  169357  169359  169365  169369  169371  169375  169377  169381  169383  169385  169386  169387  169389  169390  169391  169393  169395  169399  169401  169405  169407  169411  169417  169419  169425  169429  169431  169435  169441  169447  169449  169455  169459  169461  169467  169471  169477  169485  447090 

28.After the College Entrance Examination, we spent a most ______period. We had to work hard in a private factory by _____,although  we got poorly paid by_____.

  A.tired; the day; day            B.tiring; the day; day

    C.trying; day ;the day           D.tried; day; the day


27.It’s a reference book intended to ______ mainly to students of grade 3.

  A.appeal         B.attach          C.contribute       D.refer


26.In a sports team each player has a clear role, and there are few occasions ________members are confused or uncertain of their roles.

     A.why           B.where         C.when          D.in which


25.If you are out to get up early and do exercises every morning, it will _____good health.

     A.get across      B.end up in       C.make for       D.contribute for


24.What successful language learners have in common is,___________, that they are interested in understanding their own thinking and confident in their ability.

      A.to make matters worse             B.in the first place

     C.among other things                D.apart from


23.Being a good listener is a kind of quality and that’s ________it takes to keep friendship.

      A.how           B.what          C.which         D.where


22.Experts warn that global warming will cause dramatic climate changes including more

________ floods, heat waves and droughts.

      A.frequent        B.usual          C.ordinary        D.common


第一节 单项填空


21.I cannot support a policy of which I have never ___________.

  A.accomplished   B.approved       C.applied         D.abandoned


第一节:请听下面5段对话, 回答1-5题。

1.What does the man ask the woman to do?

    A.Wait while he finishes the letter.                  B.Drop him off at home. 

    C.Mail the letters on her way to class

2.What is the cause of Sara’s colds?

    A.The strong wind.      B.The changeable weather.  C.The cool temperature.

3.When must the cameras be returned?

    A.Before eight o’clock in the morning.

    B.Before eight o’clock in the evening.           

    C.By the next day.

4.What are they talking about?

    A.Necessities of revision of all lessons.  

    B.The final examinations.

    C.The ways of getting high scores in the final exam.

5.How does the man like this dish made?

  A.With lots of sugar      B.With no salt           C.With more salt

