0  169324  169332  169338  169342  169348  169350  169354  169360  169362  169368  169374  169378  169380  169384  169390  169392  169398  169402  169404  169408  169410  169414  169416  169418  169419  169420  169422  169423  169424  169426  169428  169432  169434  169438  169440  169444  169450  169452  169458  169462  169464  169468  169474  169480  169482  169488  169492  169494  169500  169504  169510  169518  447090 

26.The discovery of new evidence led to     .

    A.the thief having caught             B.catch the thief

    C.the thief being caught              D.the thief to be caught


25. “    of them are not here.” means “    of them are not here.”

    A.All; Some       B.Both; Every     C.Both; Neither    D.All; Both


24.I have no dreams     to have a happy life.

    A.rather than      B.more than       C.other than       D.less than


23.With his son     , the old man felt unhappy.

    A.to disappoint                    B.to be disappointed

    C.disappointing                    D.being disappointed


22.In some countries,     are called “public schools” are not owned by the state.

    A.that           B.which         C.as            D.what


21.People are puzzled     they read the book.

    A.the first time     B.at the first time   C.for the first time  D.at first


20.When Gisli was very young, he was terribly frightened of snakes, but he soon    it.

    A.got over        B.got across      C.got through     D.got off


19.We had a really bad time about six months ago but now things are     .

    A.looking up      B.coming up      C.making up      D.turning up


18.I had hoped to get to the meeting, but I found at the last minutes that I couldn’t     it.

    A.try            B.meet          C.get            D.make


17.    team wins on Saturday will go through to the national championships.

    A.No matter what   B.No matter which  C.Whatever       D.Whichever

