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As young boys we used to run away from school to the river and see who could catch the biggest fish. This year had been a great year for  21  . The conditions were perfect, and  22  was my fishing pole. I clearly remember opening that  23  with my friend, Tom, on the morning of my birthday. We were both so  24  . On that particular day it was  25  turn to carry it to the river. We shared as he was still working on saving enough money to  26  one of his own just like mine, As we headed down the embankment(河堤), he  27  and fell down with my fishing pole in hand. We both heard it break and I saw the  28  look in his eyes when his eyes  29  mine.

Well, I said some things that I definitely(绝对)  30  have, and I even made him leave. I clearly remember walking home  31  that day holding the broken pieces of my pole in each hand, feeling more  32  about what had happened to me.

As I got closer to the house, I sensed something was  33  . When I got inside, my  34  were sitting still in a circle. “The weather is getting  35  , son. We only  have about a week left to harvest our crops  36  the storms come.”

I was about to say something to my father  37  I heard a knock. As I opened the door, there stood Tom, my best friend, “I just heard about the 38  ,Rick. I thought maybe you need some help.” I was  39  . My father smiled as he stood up and said. “Let’s get started.”

Tom’s forgiveness went a long way in helping my family  40  that difficult time. Together, as friends, we have both come a long way since then.

21.A.shopping       B.boating         C.walking        D.fishing

22.A.such          B.so            C.this           D.that

23.A.present         B.door           C.window        D.truck

24.A.excited         B.worried        C.puzzled        D.frightened

25.A.my           B.her            C.his            D.our

26.A.sell           B.invent          C.repair          D.buy

27.A.stopped        B.shouted        C.jumped         D.slipped

28.A.apologetic       B.pleased         C.encouraged      D.satisfied

29.A.asked          B.met           C.inspired        D.knocked

30.A.wouldn’t       B.shouldn’t       C.hadn’t         D.couldn’t

31.A.together        B.quickly         C.alone          D.happily

32.A.anxious        B.proud          C.shameful       D.terrible

33.A.wrong         B.reasonable      C.nice           D.simple

34.A.classmates      B.sisters         C.brothers        D.family

35.A.fine           B.bad           C.dry           D.cool

36.A.after          B.unless         C.before         D.as long as

37.A.while          B.that           C.when          D.as if

38.A.fog           B.snow          C.cloud          D.storms

39.A.angry          B.unhappy        C.surprised       D.stupid

40.A.for            B.through        C.against         D.by


20.I     in London for many years, but I’ve never regretted my final decision to move back to China.

    A.lived          B.was living       C.have lived       D.had lived

