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23. The young director has made lots of films, but ______ good ones.

    A. any              B. some             C. few             D. many


22. - I’d like to reserve a single ticket to Beijing.

- Sorry, sir, but we don’t have any tickets ______ at the moment.

    A. usable            B. available          C. suitable           D. stable



从各题A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

21. It is ______ comfort to know there’s someone to keep ______ eye on the kids.

    A. a; an             B. /; /              C. /; an             D. /; the





6. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. Radio programs.           B. Language lab.          C. TV programs.

7. What other languages besides English are taught over the radio?

A. German, Spanish, and French.

B. Portuguese, Swedish and French.

C. Japanese, French and German.


8. Where are the two speakers going?

A. To the seaport.         B. To the airport.          C. To the railway station.

9. What’s wrong with the two speakers?

A. Their car broke down.    B. Their tank is half full.     C. They have run out of gas.

10. What will the two speakers do?

A. Do nothing but wait.    

B. Find a policeman.      

C. Telephone the nearest gas station.


11. Why did the man call the woman?

    A. To ask if she’s got the tickets.

    B. To invite her to go to a concert.

    C. To offer his help with her new flat.

12. What will the woman do next Saturday afternoon?

A. Watching a tennis match.    

B. Cleaning up her new flat.    

C. Visiting a friend with Margaret.

13. What has the woman agreed to do with the man next Saturday?

A. Go to see a play.           B. Attend a concert.           C. Buy concert tickets.

14. What time does the concert start?

A. At 7:30 p.m.           B. At 7:30 a.m.           C. At 5:00 p.m.


15. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. The woman’s plan.      B. The woman’s family.     C. The woman’s school.

16. What will the woman most probably do in the end?

A. Go to college.          B. Take up singing.        C. Become an actress.

17. What’s the woman’s parents’ attitude towards her choice of career?

A. They are proud of it.     B. They don’t care.           C. They disagree with it.


18. When did people first begin to use stamps?

A. In the early 19th century.  B. On May 6, 1840.            C. On May 6, 1814.

19. Who was the first person to put forward a suggestion to use stamps?

    A. Rowland Hill in England.            

B. Rowland Hill in America.            

C. Rowland Hill in France.

20. Which stamps were first sold in England?

A. “One Penny” blue stamps.              

B. “Two Pence” black stamps.             

C. “One Penny” black stamps and “Two Pence” blue stamps.




1. How are the guests going to Beijing?

A. By train.              B. By car.                  C. By plane.

2. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

    A. At a cinema.           B. At a restaurant.         C. At a bus stop.

3. Who is probably speaking to the man?

    A. His wife.             B. His manager.           C. His mother.

4. What is the time now by the man’s watch?

    A. 8:45.                B. 8:15.                C. 9:00.

5. When was the woman born?

    A. In 1989.              B. In 1991.              C. In 1993.


周末两天的休息对于平时忙于工作学习的人们来说是非常宝贵的。每个人都有自己度周末的方式,比如听音乐,看电影,打篮球等。而我的周末生活也是非常丰富的,比如:1) 和家人朋友在一起;2)和父母去拜访他们的老朋友;3)去图书馆学习或借书以增长知识;4)看展览以开阔眼界;5)游览名胜古迹。请根据以上的内容写一篇短文 。



3)参考短语:开阔眼界 broaden one’s vision








Some day I happened to find a chatting room in my QQ, there people were chatting in English. I tried to chat with some of them. To my surprised, I found the oral English of some junior students were better than me. I asked them for advice and they told me to practise more on QQ. But every day after that I would spend one hour practise my oral English on QQ. Day by day I learned from many useful words and expressions. With time went by, I found that I could even communicate some college students freely.

