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32.     in the driving test again made his parents rather disappointed.

    A.Their son failed                  B.Their son to fail  

    C.Their son had failed               D.Their son’s failing


31.Although he      in America for a long time, he’s never regretted his making his mind to return to his own country.

    A.stayed         B.was staying     C.has stayed      D.had stayed


30.-Good evening. Huangshan Hotel.

   -Good evening.       ?

    A.Do you still have a room for tonight    B.What would you like, please

    C.Is there anything I can do for you     D.Who is that speaking, please


29.The man pulled out a gold watch,    were made of small diamonds.

    A.the hands of whom                B.whom the hands of

    C.which the hands of                D.the hands of which


28.After robbing much money from the bank, the thieves escaped,    to be found.

    A.nowhere        B.everywhere      C.wherever       D.anywhere


27.I wrote down the name and address of the hotel for later      ,because it might be useful in the future.

    A.difficulty       B.plan           C.advice         D.reference


26.We are required to limit our speech    five minutes each in order to save time.

    A.in            B.within         C.to            D.during


25.-What a qualified husband he is!

   -Definitely, lots of people are touched by his    to his wife who has weak eyesight.

    A.devotion        B.deed           C.satisfaction      D.service


24.After the heated discussion, everyone     that the safety of the country be improved, otherwise their lives would be endangered.

    A.urged          B.told           C.ordered        D.commanded


23.White is the     color of a wedding gown in the west.

    A.additional       B.extreme        C.conventional     D.conversational

