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第二节 书面表达:(共15分) 




    2.参考词汇:谦虚、简朴 modesty and simplicity; 自信心confidence;


赞成的人认为           反对的人认为
1.学生应该生活简朴,因为要靠父母  1.过分注重谦虚、简朴,你将不会引起别人的注意
2.学习比衣着更重要         2.要学会表现自己,自信和良好的外表会给别人留下好的印象。



I always hated it when people asked me where I lived。 It was not that I did not like my home town,but just that it was called Panfromifwecanton! Few people believed there was such a place, and even fewer people could say it.

Actually, it is quite easy to pronounce. All you have to do is to break it into syllables

Pan-from-if-we-can-ton. A syllable is a small unit of sound built around a single vowel sound.

The vowels are a, e, I, o, u (and y when it sounds like an i).

Most words can be pronounced by breaking them into syllables. That is why Mary Poppins found it so very easy to say the word supercalifragilisticexpialidocius. Can say it? Try!

Breaking a word into smaller parts can also help you to spell the word correctly. You pay attention to each sound, rather than slurring them together.

As well as breaking a word down into its sounds, you can break a word down into its units of meaning. For example, sometimes you will find that a long word is made up of smaller words you already know, such as overcoat, raindrop, handbag.

A word can be broken down into three main parts: a prefix, which comes at the beginning; a root, or base, which is the main part of the word; and a suffix, which comes at the end. The trick here is knowing what they mean because a lot of them come from Latin and Greek.

When you see a long word, don’t worry. Look at it carefully, break it down, and you’ll see it.

72.What’s the main idea of the passage?

    A.How difficult words are in the English language.

    B.Learn words by breaking them down.

    C.How words are made up of syllables.

    D.Why foreigners find the English language difficult.

73.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

    A.To help pronounce a word, first break it into syllables.

    B.Syllables are not built around a vowel.

    C.A, e, i, o, u, are the only vowels.

    D.A word has four main parts.

74.From the passage, we can know that Panfromifwecanton is a ______.

    A.sentence        B.dictionary      C.place         D.home

75.What can we infer from the passage?

    A.There is no rule in the formation of English words.

    B.There are rules in the formation of English words.

    C.The meaning of long words is not determined by the short words they are made from.

    D.You can not understand long words unless you use the dictionary.





May Paxton graduated from the Missouri School for the deaf near the year 1909. Three years later she went to see Dr. Richardson about becoming a nurse. Dr. Richardson had never heard of a deaf nurse. But she was impressed with her, and accepted May as a student nurse.

Dr. Richardson never regretted her decision. In fact, she was so pleased with May’s work that she later accepted two other deaf women as student nurses. The first was Miss Marian, who was hard of hearing. The second was Miss Lillie.

May and Marian did not know each other before Marian was hired by the hospital. Dr. Richardson introduced May to Marian. During the next two days, the two girls wrote notes to each other. Finally, other nurses asked Martian if she knew that May was deaf. Marian ran to the bedroom and asked May in sign if she really was deaf. May answered in sign. Then, the two girls burst into laughter(突然大笑).

May was always careful about following orders. Only once did she disobey Dr. Richardson. It took a lot of time to care for all the sick children, as a result, Dr. Richardson asked the nurses not to hold the new babies when they were crying. However, May heated to see the babies cry. When Dr. Richardson was not around, she found time to hold them. This small change helped the nursery to run much more smoothly. When Dr. Richardson knew that May’s actions had improved the nursery, she decided to overlook (视而不见) May’s breaking the rules.

68.When did May Paxton start working at Dr. Richardson’s hospital?

   A.In 1009.

  B.Before she graduated from the Missouri School.

  C.Three years after she graduated from the Missouri School.

  D.Three years after she went to see Dr. Richardson.

69.When May disobeyed Dr. Richardson’s orders about holding babies, ______.

    A.Dr. Richardson was very angry.

    B.Dr. Richardson didn’t know because she wasn’t there.

    C.May was fired.

    D.Dr. Richardson didn’t say anything about it.

70.May and Marian communicated by writing at first because ______.

    A.They didn’t know each other and were shy.

    B.they were playing a joke on each other

    C.neither one of them knew that the other was deaf

    D.Marian was a hearing person.

71.What can we infer from this passage?

    A.May was fond of babies.

    B.May hated her job.

  C.May enjoyed working in the Emergency Room.

              D.May preferred to work with deaf people.



Tired of your everyday life?
Come to the Morning Post English club and you’ll find great fun!
Come and join our English club held on Friday evening every other week. You can exchange ideas and improve your social skills while meeting new friends. All the foreigners are free for admission (入场费). Free beer and snacks are served.
Detailed information:
Time &date: Apr.28, 2006
Place: No. 10 Tongle Lu, Renmin Zhong Lu, Guangzhou
Daily press group

Maofeng Mountain one-day trip
Date: May 27, 2006
Experience a different pleasure in the jungle(丛林) by hiking in a scenic spot in the city of Guangzhou.
All the foreigners are welcome and free of charge.
Tel for inquiry (询问): 020-81017980

Guangzhou Morning Post is looking for part-time native English teachers for youth training program.
About part-time job:
1.    Teach primary school pupils oral English
2.    One or two periods a week and two hours per period
3.    Good payment
Required qualifications(资格):
1.    Native English teacher from U.S., Canada, Britain, Australia or New Zealand etc., with English as mother tongue
2.    Experience in English teaching preferred
3.    Interested in oral English training and classroom activities with children
Interested applicants please aend resume(简历) with a recent photo to Engchildren @. Tel: 86345622

64.Mr. Hansen who is from German ________.

    A.can not join the Morning Post English club free of charge

    B.will not be accepted to teach primary school pupils spoken English

    C.has to pay if he wants to join the Maofeng Mountain one-day trip

    D.will get paid badly if he teaches for Guangzhou Morning Post

65.If people take part in the activities held by the Morning Post English club, they can do the following EXCEPT _______.

    A.make new friends

  B.go to the English club for free

    C.make themselves more fit for society 

  D.get new ideas from others

66.If Mark, an Australian, wants to teach pupils oral English, he has to ______.

    A.write a letter about himself and get in touch with Guangzhou Morning Post

    B.visit the website of Guangzhou Morning Post

    C.work every other week

    D.offer his childhood photo to Guangzhou Morning Post

67.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

    A.All the foreigners will go to the Morning Post English club.

    B.All the people can take the one-day trip without any pay. 

    C.Any English speaker can apply for the part-time job.

    D.the date of Maofeng Mountain one-day trip is May 27, 2006.



Today our knowledge of food and what it does for our bodies is far more advanced than that of the old times. Now we know about vitamins and how each kind of vitamin helps in the growth of a particularly, the food that we eat will take care of our body and so there is no need to take any kinds of vitamins unless our doctor tells us that our bodies are short of something which can be supplied(供给) by them.

Generally speaking, everything we eat does some good to our body. But if we eat too much of one kind of food and pay too little attention to others, we may have too much of one kind and not enough of others. Then we may be in trouble.

We are often told that we must eat some meat at each meal in order to get the necessary proteins(蛋白质). That is only partly true, for proteins are not found only in meat. We can also get them from some vegetables.

The best advice about what to eat is that we should eat all kinds of food but never too much of any.

60.One may take certain vitamins when ______.

    A.one wants to encourage the growth of a particular part of the body

    B.one eats all kinds of food

    C.one’s health is harmed by lack of certain things which vitamins can provide

    D.one eats well and properly

61.The main idea of the second paragraph is that ______.

    A.our health will be harmed if we eat everything.

    B.all kinds of food should be eaten to keep healthy

    C.we should eat little of all kinds of food

    D.we should eat much of some kinds of food

62.Proteins are found _______.

    A.only in meat              B.in all kinds of food 

  C.more in vegetables than in meat       D.in some vegetables as well as in meal

63.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

    A.All kinds of food are good for our health no matter how much we eat.

    B.Meat is the best food of all.

    C.Too much of any kind of food is bad for one’s health.

    D.Vitamins are more useful than natural food.



  Some fish spend all their lives in the place where they were born. Salmon do not. Born in the fresh water of rivers, they migrate (迁徙) to the ocean when young, then go back to the rivers as adults.

  When fall comes, it is time for salmon to spawn (产卵). They leave the ocean and travel to the beginning of the river where they were hatched (孵化). Sometimes these trips are more than 2,000 miles. On the long journey they have to fight against the current of the stream. Sometimes they even jump up waterfalls. When they reach the beginning of the river, they are often very tired from their long and difficult journey.

  But they cannot rest. The mother fish makes a nest in the sand on the bottom of the river by slapping the sand with her tail. In this nest the mother lays her eggs and the father leaves his sperm. Then the mother covers the nest with sand leaves the baby fish to hatch.

  The young fish hatch in the winter. Some species(种类) of salmon start the journey down the river to the ocean when they are a few inches long. They seem to be swimming backwards, but they are really carried downstream by the current. Others live in the river for two or three years before going to the ocean. All of these salmon, however, will make the trip back to where they first lived.

56.What’s the passage mainly about?

  A.how the mother salmon makes her nest. B.Salmon’s jumping up waterfalls.

  C.Salmon’s swimming back for spawning.                  D.How salmon go to the ocean.

57.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

    A.Salmon stay in one place all the time.  

  B.the father fish makes the nest.

    C.the current helps salmon in their journey up the river.

    D.Salmon always go back to the place they were hatched to lay their eggs.

58.Which of the following is the right order in which they appear in the passage?

    a.They leave the ocean and travel far up river.

    b.Some salmon, when a few inches long, swim down the river.

    c.They jump up waterfalls.

    d.The mother fish makes a nest.

    e.Salmon migrate.

    A.a; e; c; d; b      B.e; a; c; d; b     C.c; d; a; e; b     D.c; d; e; a; b

59.How does the author tell us about salmon?

  A.She describes what salmon look like.    B.She imagines what salmon like to eat.

  C.She compares salmon with other fish.                   D.She explains how salmon have their young.

