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33.I’m sorry, my boss is out right now. Can I     a message for him?

    A.leave          B.make          C.give           D.take


32.The news quickly got around among the class   their monitor has been chosen as a volunteer for the Beijing Olympics.

    A.that           B.whether        C.which         D.what


31.       he had shut all the windows, Tom returned to check them carefully.

    A.Make sure      B.Making sure     C.To make sure    D.Having made sure


30.The teacher had a careful talk with Tom,      problems is poor study habit.

    A.whose         B.his            C.one of whose    D.one of his


29.It is exactly    we behave      has changed the world.

    A.which; that      B.how; that       C.how; what                  D.what; that


28.My Grandpa is a good storyteller. He used to    stories as he went along.

    A.pick up        B.look up         C.take up         D.make up


27.Treatments were    scientific     effective in the 1930s. Patients suffered a lot from operations.

    A.neither; nor      B.either; or       C.both; and       D.not only; but also


26.We were told the speaker would be here before 9:00, but he hasn’t turned up so far. He   in the traffic.

    A.must have caught                 B.should have caught

    C.must have been caught             D.should have been caught


25.      he lives in a large flat and owns much money, he doesn’t seem as happy as before.

    A.While          B.Whether        C.Unless         D.Before


24.In the 27th Sydney Olympic Games, our Chinese team got 28 gold medals,     third of all the competing countries.

    A.ranked         B.to rank         C.ranking        D.having ranked

