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33.Try to spend your time just on the things you find _________.

     A.worth doing them        B.worth being done

C.them worth doing        D.worth doing


32.Hawking is _________success, _________disabled man though he is.

     A.a;/    B./;a      C.the;a     D.a;the


31.-You didn’t invite Anna?

-_________her, too?

     A.Should I have invited      B.Must I have invited

C.Must I invite          D.Should I invite


30.-Why were you not at the concert last night?

- I _________a close game between Seattle Sonics and Miami Bucks.

     A.watched   B.had watched   C.was watching  D.have been watching


29.- The weather isn’t good enough for an outing , is it?

- Not in the least. We can’t have _________at this time of the year.

     A.a nicer day   B.a worse day   C.a worst day  D.so fine a day


28.Alone in a deserted home, he was so busy with his research that he felt _________lonely.

     A.nothing but   B.anything but  C.all but    D.everything but


27.Every boy and every girl as well as some teachers who _________to visit the museum _________asked to be at school gate before 6:00 in the morning.

     A.are;are    B.is;is     C.is;are    D.are;is


26.It is the hotel _________located in the downtown _________he applied to for a job.

     A.that;that    B.which;that   C.that;where  D./;that


25.- Who will you _________to write the article?

-_________fits for the job.

     A.have;Anyone who        B.get;Whoever

C.suggest;The one who       D.hope;Anyone


24.Fire, on the one hand, can benefit the world. On the other hand, it can also destroy the world if not  _________under control.

     A.bring      B.bringing    C.brought       D.being brought

