0  169419  169427  169433  169437  169443  169445  169449  169455  169457  169463  169469  169473  169475  169479  169485  169487  169493  169497  169499  169503  169505  169509  169511  169513  169514  169515  169517  169518  169519  169521  169523  169527  169529  169533  169535  169539  169545  169547  169553  169557  169559  169563  169569  169575  169577  169583  169587  169589  169595  169599  169605  169613  447090 

31.It’s no wonder that you are scolded; you were out enjoying yourself when you ___________ (应该学习). (ought)


30.- If we take a plane, we’ll of course have arrived in London by the next weekend.

- Don’t be too sure, we should        the weather factor. What shall we do if it is foggy ?

      A.look for       B.allow for       C.prepare for      D.use for




29.Offered the position of chairman, Smith         , preferring to keep his current job.

    A.decreased       B.retired         C.left           D.declined


28.It was funny to see that the dog’s eyes immediately       at the sight of its owner.

  A.lit up          B.fixed up        C.did up         D.turned up 


27.- You seemed to be impressed by his skill.

- Not exactly so. It was his courage       his skill that really impressed me.

  A.rather than    B.as well as       C.but also       D.together with


26.We should look up to him as a shining example of       to duty.

  A.devotion        B.privilege        C.responsibility    D.burden


25.Dust ____ in a room if we do not clean the room regularly.

  A.accomplishes    B.accumulates     C.accommodates   D.achieves


24.I know you’re new in the job, but       me and you’ll be all right.

  A.stick to     B.stick with       C.stick out    D.stick around


23.Those who         mercy killing say the terminally ill should not have to suffer.

    A.declare         B.believe         C.advocate       D.announce


22. We can’t tell you the results of the survey until we have looked at all the_____.

  A.data        B.directions      C.instructions     D.standards

