0  169424  169432  169438  169442  169448  169450  169454  169460  169462  169468  169474  169478  169480  169484  169490  169492  169498  169502  169504  169508  169510  169514  169516  169518  169519  169520  169522  169523  169524  169526  169528  169532  169534  169538  169540  169544  169550  169552  169558  169562  169564  169568  169574  169580  169582  169588  169592  169594  169600  169604  169610  169618  447090 

28.He sat in the classroom with his eyes ______on the blackboard.

A.fixed          B.fixing          C.were fixed      D.were fixing


27.The Moonstone was ______ in a real story which ______ in England in the 1790s.

A.set; taking place                   B.setting; take place 

C.set; had taken place                D.set; took place


26.It is the protection for trees      really matters,      how many trees are planted.

    A.what, besides    B.that,  except    C.that, rather than  D.what,  other than


25.The engine of the ship suddenly failed and then came a big storm, which

       the helplessness of the crew at sea.

      A.resulted from    B.added to        C.took out        D.brought about


24.She   great importance   regular exercises.

   A.ties; to        B.puts; to      C.attaches; to    D.lays; on


23.She  to have lunch with her friend, saying that she wasn’t feeling well.

   A.declined        B.resigned     C.tended        D.approved


22.Nobody wants to make friends with the boy  money.

   A.suspected of having stolen       B.suspecting to steal

   C.suspected having stolen        D.suspecting to have stolen


第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21.-How did you sleep last night?  -Like a log.Never slept______.

A.well           B.worse         C.best           D.better

