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35.--Have you solved the problem?

--     .There's no way out for me.

A.Not yet          B.Not that         C.Not until         D.Not already


34.She was afraid that unless the train speeded up she would lose her      to Scotland.

A.ticket           B.place            C.seat            D.connection


33.In this factory.suggestions often have to wait for months before they are fully     

A.admitted         B.acknowledged     C.absorbed         D.considered


32.Your ability has never been in doubt-the question is     you are prepared to work hard.

A.that            B.whether         C.if              D.how


31.      be sent to work there?

A.Who do you suggest                      B.Who do you suggest that should

C.Do you suggest who should             D.Do you suggest whom should


30.The students listened carefully to the teacher with their eyes      on the blackboard.

A.to focus         B.focusing         C.being focused      D.focused


29.    happens to call while I am out of the office,please have him leave the message for me.

A.Who            B.Anyone          C.Someone        D.Whoever


28.If you      your promise,the results will be sure to satisfy you.

A.carry out        B.carry on         C.keep up         D.make up


27.The girl is      to give us some help if asked.

A.possible         B.1ikely           C.probably         D.possibly


26.The boy sat there sad,      by his friends.

A.feeling betrayed                      B.to be betrayed

C.been betrayed                       D.having betrayed

