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第二节   情景作文(满分20分)





生词:指南针:compass n.  手电筒:flashlight n.  急救包:first-aid kit 

宿营地:campsite  n.

Saturday, May 4,2008

Li Ming and I took part in a wilderness survival program yesterday, and  it has been one of the most unforgettable experiences since high school.




The two of us spent the night in the forest.

We learned to use knowledge gained in classroom training to solve problems. It was quite an experience for us both, which I’ll never forget for the rest of my life.


第一节  完成句子(共5题,每空1分,共10分)

1.The first Would War         (有强有力的影响)Australia. After the war, the country experienced social and economic unrest and         (遭受)the Great Depression of the 1930s.

2.Many young men in his position would         (过着舒适的生活), but young Banks         (渴望)knowledge.

3.         (在他年轻的时候)Charles Darwin         (享有充分的自由)to experiment and do whatever he liked.

4.There are many things we need to        (考虑)before we         (做出明智的选择), and we should always         (留神,当心) “hidden information.”

5.Today’s ads often start with a question, or a puzzle,         (带有 …的目的)attracting the readers’ attention.


第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

Often, I wonder why people like Michael Jordan and O.J. Simpson are considered heroes. People will say that Jordan and Simpson are heroes because they are good  41  to young people. They are two incredibly gifted men who play their  42  sports with tremendous heart and determination. They have shown  43  and personality at all times on and off the court and they’ve   44  millions of people. Mentioned as well will be that Jordan is basketball’s greatest player, and Simpson  45  among the greatest running backs in football history. However, the question remains, are they really heroes?

Perhaps Jordan is a hero because he has an incredible gambling  46   losing up to two million dollars per day. And he has repeatedly stated that  47  he is the National Basketball Association’s highest paid player in 1997 he will retire permanently.

For years O. J. Simpson was known as the “Greatest American Hero”. People of all ages  48    with him and idolized him. He was the greatest running back to ever play for the Buffalo Bills and became an instant movie star.  49  , it took two brutal murders, and a few 911 tapes to show the country  50  our hero really was. He is a wife beater and an accused murderer.  51  being acquitted (宣告无罪) for double murder, he has done nothing but attempt to  52  selling infomercials(商业广告片).

   Jordan and Simpson are not  53  r role models. They are past and present athletes who have used their  54 abilities to become national superstars.  55  people see Jordan slam the door and they wanted to be like him. This is  56  parents would tell their children that these athletes can be  57  for their exceptional talent in sports, but  48   they live their lives  59  the court is what separates them from  60 heroes.

41.A.examples       B.influences       C.superstars       D.athletes

42.A.various         B.popular         C.respective       D.positive

43.A.professionalism   B.independence    C.courage        D.character

44.A.directed        B.educated        C.astonished      D.satisfied   

45.A.lists           B.ranks          C.exists          D.win

46.A.problem        B.train           C.notice         D.result

47.A.until           B.when          C.unless         D.before

48.A.played         B.talked          C.got along       D.fell in love

49.A.Furthermore     B.Therefore       C.However       D.Otherwise

50.A.what          B.who           C.that           D.which

51.A.After          B.Although        C.Even if         D.As if

52.A.making money                    B.becoming famous

    C.enjoying himself                   D.getting help

53.A.stars          B.heroes         C.murders        D.players

54.A.reasoning       B.creative        C.athletic         D.financial

55.A.Hardworking     B.Front-page      C.Most          D.Young 

56.A.what          B.how           C.where         D.why

57.A.required        B.admired        C.encouraged      D.taught

58.A.how           B.where         C.when          D.who

59.A.behind         B.beyond         C.on            D.off

60.A.folk           B.local           C.real           D.battle

