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Every day millions of tons of foods are consumed worldwide. Among (1)________ there is a large amount of junk food.

The negative effects of junk food are obvious. The (2)__________ junk food people eat, the more (3) ___________ (like) they are to put on weight. Some people even end up (4) __________(get) overweight. (5)___________many people don’t realize is that it is their extra weight that is causing them (6)___________(get) sick. The worst thing about this is that they don’t see the link (7) _________ eating junk food and their ill health. Our bodies need healthy food and some of the best foods to eat (8)___________(be) fruit and vegetables. We should have enough food to (9) ___________ our energy requirements, but to keep fit we should eat a variety of foods (10)__________ contain different kinds of nutrients


35.Very generally, grammar is ______ with the relations between words in sentences.

    A.regarded        B.satisfied      C.concerned      D.suited


34.______ a true picture of the new China, he has traveled extensively around the country.

     A.Offering        B.Offered       C.To offer      D.Having offered


33.Elbert Einstein would have died a wealthy man, but he ______________money all his life.

    A.thought little of                 B.had thought little of

    C.cared much for                 D.had cared much for

