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26.An Olympic Marathon is 26 miles and 385 yards, approximately      from Marathon to Athens.

    A.distance        B.is the distance    C.the distance is    D.the distance


25.According to the recent research, heavy coffee drinking and heart attack is not necessarily

       and effect.

    A.reason         B.impact         C.cause          D.fact


24.    rich only occupy themselves with making money, and have no eye for      needs of the poor.

    A./ ;/            B./; the          C.The; /         D.The; the


23.I believe that it usually takes      wise mind to have      good knowledge of this special subject in mind.

    A./ ;a           B.a; a           C.a; /           D./; /


22.Paper produced every year is      the world’s production of vehicles.

    A.the three times weight of            B.three times the weight of

    C.as three times heavy as             D.three times as heavier as




21.-Do you like a house with no garden?

-      .But anyhow, it’s better to have one than none.

    A.Not really       B.Not especially    C.Not a bit        D.Not a little

