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23.Americans eat ________ vegetables per person today as they did 50 years ago.

    A.more than twice                   B.more than twice as many       

    C.as twice as many                  D.twice as many as


22.The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors, ________ are beyond our control.

    A.most of them     B.most of which   C.most of what    D.most of that


21.--- Don’t you want to go to a karaoke bar with us?

    --- I wish I ________, but I have an appointment.

A.may           B.can           C.could          D.should


20.Snow white, though written more than a century ago, still ________ children all around the world.

    A.adapts to        B.attends to       C.adjusts to       D.appeals to


19.We’re sick of storm and the bad weather! Hopefully, when we ________ up tomorrow morning, the sun ________.

    A.wake; will be shining               B.will wake; is shining

    C.will wake; shines                  D.wake; shines


18.___________ Uncle Tom came, he would bring us some gifts.

A.For the first time  B.Every time that   C.Every time     D.The first time that


17.Make ________ a habit to take exercise for at least half an hour every day.

    A.what           B.that           C.this           D.it


16.Yao Ming has ________ it takes to be a professional basketball player.

    A.who           B.what          C.which         D.that


15.---The accident might not have happened had we been more careful.

    --- But we ________ at that time.

    A.don’t           B.didn’t          C.hadn’t         D.weren’t


14.Like some of his friends, Tom couldn’t live up to his parents’ expectations.________, he let them down.

    A.After all         B.What’s more     C.In other words   D.More or less

