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第二节   作文(满分30分)

假如你,李力,是四川灾区某中!学的学生,看了下面这篇美国匹兹堡中文学校网站上一篇三位学生写的关于支援灾区活动的报道后,给其中的一位,Sophia Scott,你的笔友,写一封120-150词的邮件。邮件包含如下内容:





Students from Falk School Support RASC(report from the students)

We were learning about earthquakes and Ancient China in school this semester.When we heard about the earthquake in Sichuan,we were all very shocked and felt that was a big coincidence.We wanted to do something for the kids because we felt like we were luckier than them.We decided to join the fundraiser,the Rebuild-A-School campaign that PCS(Pittsburgh Chinese School)launched for the earthquake victims.We hope that every kid can sit in a safe and cozy classroom like ours.First,we had a meeting with the principal to get support and then,we distributed flyers to the Intermediate team.We have raised $78.03 from Intermediate students so far.A lot of the money we collected was from our classmates' allowances.This is the first time we did something like this and it worked really well.We were happy we could help the kids in Sichuan and we hope more kids will try to do fundraising at their schools.

Victoria Yang,Sophia Scott,and Kristen Kozar

Dear Sophia,




35.--May I have a doggie bag?

-- ________,Madam.I'll wrap it up for you.

A.Go ahead       B.Come on       C.My pleasure     D.No problem


34.-- ________ take you around Bird's Nest this afternoon?

--I'm very appreciate.I would like to go.

A.Who will               B.Will anyone

C.Would you like me to          D.Would you like to


33.If you already have health insurance,the only change ________ you'll see under my plan is lower premiums.

A.what        B.which        C.why          D.不填

