0  169711  169719  169725  169729  169735  169737  169741  169747  169749  169755  169761  169765  169767  169771  169777  169779  169785  169789  169791  169795  169797  169801  169803  169805  169806  169807  169809  169810  169811  169813  169815  169819  169821  169825  169827  169831  169837  169839  169845  169849  169851  169855  169861  169867  169869  169875  169879  169881  169887  169891  169897  169905  447090 

26.Determination is a kind of basic quality and this is     it takes to do jobs well.

    A.what          B.that           C.which         D.why


25.It is said that some government leaders     their position to get illegal profits for themselves.

    A.occupy        B.take           C.abuse          D.decline


24.The little girl made a few mistakes playing the violin, but you should make      for her since she’s only been playing for a year.

    A.allowances      B.promises       C.room          D.way


23.They must have enjoyed themselves there, otherwise they     so long.

    A.can’t have stayed                 B.wouldn’t have stayed

    C.can’t stay                      D.wouldn’t stay


22.      to nuclear radiation, even for a short time, may produce variants(变异体)of genes in human bodies.

    A.Being exposed                   B.Having exposed

    C.Exposed                       D.After being exposed


第一节  语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

21.After the robbery, the shop installed a complicated alarm system as an insurance ____further losses.

    A.for            B.from          C.towards        D.against


第二节  书面表达(满分25分)


1.  喜欢挑战,越难越好
2.  有助于学生了解自己的薄弱环节,改进学习方法
1.  题目太难,学生会泄气, 会害怕今后的高考
2.  题目容易,易获高分, 有自信


1 不要逐词翻译,可适当发

2 词数:80-120

3 开头语已为你写好。

   Recently  I  have  made  an investigation on Whether  a model-test paper for Senior Three should be difficult or easy. __________________________________________________ 









   I was an honest boy indeed. I didn't dare to tell lies           1.______

Because of my eyes often let the secret out. I remember          2.______

telling a lie to my parents, and I could hard fix my eyes on               3.______

my father's face, to let alone my mother's eyes. I glanced               4.______

here and there, up and down nervous.                       5.______

   However, after I came to Chengdu, I no longer have to             6.______

worry my nervous eyes because everything I wanted to say        7.______

was sent by letter. I found myself often tell small lies. I           8.______

wrote, "I'm well in Chengdu, and I enjoy the food selling at               9.______

the university. And at the weekends, I often buy fried chickens         10.______

or pork to eat".

