0  171047  171055  171061  171065  171071  171073  171077  171083  171085  171091  171097  171101  171103  171107  171113  171115  171121  171125  171127  171131  171133  171137  171139  171141  171142  171143  171145  171146  171147  171149  171151  171155  171157  171161  171163  171167  171173  171175  171181  171185  171187  171191  171197  171203  171205  171211  171215  171217  171223  171227  171233  171241  447090 

31. One will probably lose his way while wandering around the shopping mall, in spite of the signs ________ the  way.

   A.pointed    B.pointing     C.having pointed     D.to be pointing


30. The local peasants gave the soldiers clothes and food without which they ________ of cold and hunger.

   A.would     B.will die     C.would be dead     D.would have died


29. – Is Jack getting on well with his classmates?

  – ________, and he never ____.

A.Yes…has   B.Yes…is     C.No…has     D.No…is


28. The doorway is low, so ___ your head when you go in.

  A.attend     B.mind      C.protect      D.guard


27. Mixed doubles competitions, __________ a team consists of one male player and one female player, are typically held only at the four grand slam events.

A.that       B.where          C.which      D./


26. This time next week, we ___________ astronauts from the Challenger trying to deal with the mechanical problems.

A.will see       B.will have seen   C.will be seeing   D.shall see


25. – How do you like the essays written by the students?

  – ________.

A.Amazing satisfactory         B.Amazingly satisfactory

C.Amazing satisfactorily        D.Amazingly satisfactorily


24. Many shops and restaurants offer ___ prices every day to promote business.

A.clear     B.regular     C.particular    D.special


23. Experts believe that land that is becoming deserts ________ the size of Australia, Russia and the United States put together.

A.is equal    B.equals     C.is equaled    D.is equaled to


22. __________ the Customs Office, he will have to declare this sort of things he carries with him to the customs officer.

A.No matter who will come through           B.Who comes through

C.No matter whom comes through            D.Whoever comes through

