0  171442  171450  171456  171460  171466  171468  171472  171478  171480  171486  171492  171496  171498  171502  171508  171510  171516  171520  171522  171526  171528  171532  171534  171536  171537  171538  171540  171541  171542  171544  171546  171550  171552  171556  171558  171562  171568  171570  171576  171580  171582  171586  171592  171598  171600  171606  171610  171612  171618  171622  171628  171636  447090 

15.When it comes to _____, it is not wise for parents to meet all the needs of a child , because if he _____, he will only make further demands.

    A.educating children, is given way to     B.the education of children, gives way

    C.educate children, is given in to        D.children's education, gives in


14.Sometimes some illegal persons ______students, even some good ones to do ill acts , such as surfing some unhealthy nets, robbing , and stealing.

    A.need          B.demand        C.encourage      D.dare


13.On hearing the news that he would be taken ____prisoner, he became fainted .Fortunately soon he _______.

    A./, came to his sense                B.the, was brought to his senses

    C.a, was brought to his sense          D./, came to his senses


12.Whenever his aunt shouted abuse at her, Tom would _______, and did everything in his power to comfort her.

    A.speak it out      B.speak up for her  C.help him out     D.speak against her


11.Jackson made _____ for himself as a famous singer worldwide, so it _____that many thousands of people were present at his funeral.

    A.his name, fit the description          B.a name, was fitting

    C.well known, is appropriate           D.a good reputation, suited the condition


10.We'll see if either of the two young men wants to be a bridegroom _____the princess has no _____to bring to the marriage.

    A.when, riches    B.while, fortune    C.because, wealth’s D.despite, treasures


9.---Wei Fang studies very hard and makes full use of her time.

    ---It's no wonder that she _____in almost every subject.

    A.puts out        B.stands out       C.gives out       D.sets out


8.Never believe anything ____any other person has believed it.Use your own head.

    A.that           B.when          C.because        D.nor

