0  171462  171470  171476  171480  171486  171488  171492  171498  171500  171506  171512  171516  171518  171522  171528  171530  171536  171540  171542  171546  171548  171552  171554  171556  171557  171558  171560  171561  171562  171564  171566  171570  171572  171576  171578  171582  171588  171590  171596  171600  171602  171606  171612  171618  171620  171626  171630  171632  171638  171642  171648  171656  447090 

28.____ you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.

    A.If only         B.As far as        C.So long as      D.Only if


27.Have you ever wondered why some of the smartest students in your class sometimes ____ failing exams?

    A.take up        B.pick up         C.come up        D.end up


26.The minister stressed that under no circumstances ____ the disabled to be looked down upon.

    A.is             B.are            C.has           D.have


25.It seems as if they are going to ____ us a lot of money for the party hall.

    A.cost          B.ask            C.demand        D.charge


24.It was with great excitement one morning in July ________ the young man read a classified advertisement.

    A.when          B.that           C.who           D.which


23.It is obvious that this anti-smoking ____ is mainly aimed at young teenagers.

    A.campaign       B.war           C.battle         D.fighting


22.He admitted that when ____ comes to repairing a computer, he had little knowledge of it .

    A.he            B.that           B.this           D.it




21.-Do you think the weather is good enough for the picnic?

    -Yes.You couldn't hope for ____ day at this time of the year.

    A.a nice          B.the nice         C.a nicer         D.the nicest

