3. You should the advice given by your parents. They have more experience than you after all.
A. bother B. think C. value D. bear
2. The boy did fairly well in the examination, but he failed this time.
A. somewhat B. somehow C. anyhow D. just
1. Most of what has been said about the Smiths also true of the Greens.
A. are B. is C. being D. to be
(2) 反应达平衡时,混合气体的体积为716.
n1(始)∶n1(平)= 。
(4) 原始混合气体中,a∶b= 。
(1) 若反应进行到某时刻t时,n1(N2)=13 mol,n1(NH3)=6 mol,计算a的值。
30.(6分)恒温下,将a mol N2与b mol H2的混合气体通入一个固定容积的密闭容器中,发生如下反应:
3mol Z2与足量的C溶液反应,转移电子的物质的量n(e―)的取值范围是________________。