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3. Direct the students to write an article according to the notes given.


2. Practice using the phrasal verbs give away, take after come up with, give out and hang out.


1. Help the students have a self check on the key words and target language of this unit.


3. Moral Object

What do you want to be in the future? Try to come up with an idea to get much volunteer experience. It will be good for both you and the others.


2. Ability Objects

(1) Train the students to use the phrasal verbs.

give away, take after, come up with, give out and hang out.

(2)Train students’ writing skill.


1. Knowledge Objects

(1)Using these phrasal verbs correctly.

give away, take after, come up with, give out, hang out

(2) Writing an article using the notes given


2. Try to remember the new words on page 64.

Step Ⅶ Blackboard Design

Unit 7 I’ll help clean up the city parks.
Section B The Fifth Period
New words and phrases in Activity 3a:
call up, hand out, work out, call-in, strategy.
Answer to Activity 3a:
cheer up, run out, put up, called up, handed out, set up, come up with, fix up, give away.
 Answers to Activity 3b:
 1. He did a radio interview.
 2. He put up signs.
 3. He called up friends.
 4. He handed out advertisements.
 5. He told teachers.
 Sample answers to Activity 4:
 Where: 1. the city parks 2. …
 What:  1. pick up plastic bags and papers

The 6th Period


1. Make one sentence with each of the phrasal verbs below, call up, hand out, work out, run out, set up, fix up.


3. Revise the story about Jimmy.

Step Ⅱ 3a

We have learned something about Jimmy.

We know he is a Bike boy. He fixes up old bikes and gives them away. But he ran out of his money to buy old bikes last week. Has he come up with any way of getting money? or Will he have to stop?

Let’s find out the answer in the article in Activity 3a. Please read the article once quickly and tell me the answer.

Have the students scan the passage and catch the main idea of it. After around two minutes, Ask the question again.

Step Ⅲ 3h

We knew Jimmy had solved his problem.

What things did he do to solve his problem? Please make a note of the things that Jimmy did to solve his problem.

Ask a student to read the sample sentence in the book. Tell them to write out the things that Jimmy did. Use the sample sentence as a model. And they can reread the article to search for the answers. Let the students complete the work on their own.

Walk around the room while they are writing, checking progress and correcting the mistakes they may make while writing.

After they all finish writing, ask a few students to give their answers. Point out the mistakes they may have made in writing.

After that, write the following words and phrases on the blackboard.

call up, hand out, work Out, call-in, strategy

Tell them to note these new words and phrases in the article, ask children to read the article again. Tell them to read in context, guessing the meanings of new words

and phrases from the other words around them.

Students read the article again for comprehension this time. Allow them to read a little longer this time.

After a while, point to the new words and phrases on the blackboard and let the students guess the meanings of them. The teacher does some explanation at the same time.

Look at the blackboard now. Let’s explain these new words and phrases one by one.

Ask the students to make some sentences with it if time permits. Let them do it as homework if there is no enough time in class.

Get the students to read the instructions together.

Say, Read the article a third time now.

Please underline all the phrasal verbs while you are reading.

Ask students to complete the work on their own.

Get some students to tell the class their answers. Check the answers with the whole class.

Then have them work in pairs. Tell them to check each other’s answers carefully and point out the mistakes their partners may have made. Tell them to help each other like this as often as possible.

Write the correct answers on the blackboard to help them.

After checking the answers, ask the students to read the article loudly. Teach them to read the new words or even the whole text before they start reading if necessary.

Ask them to read for a while, ask one or two to read it to the class, correcting any pronunciation errors they may make.

Then ask the whole class to practice reading in pairs. Tell them to read the article loudly in turns in pairs. The one who is listening has to point out his or her partner’s pronunciation errors and help to correct them. If they are not sure about any words, tell them to ask for help from the teacher.

After practice reading the article, ask if they have any words or sentences they don’t understand. Tell them to raise their hands and say which words and sentences they don’t understand.

Help solve the problems.

Step Ⅳ Part 4

Let’s do it in groups of four. Each group will have to brainstorm a plan for helping out in your community. Talk about it and make notes on where you will help and what you will do.

Each group has to write out your own list of possible places and volunteer activities first.

Point out the chart in Activity 4. Tell them to note the two given statements Where and What.

Your task is to write the places after the word Where and the volunteer activities after the word What.

Show some pictures or signs on volunteer activities to help the children come up with some ideas.

Let the students work in fours. Brainstorm their plans and write their own lists, using the answers on the blackboard as a model.

Walk around the classroom, offering help as necessary.

After they all finish brainstorming and writing, tell them to practice together what they will say to the class.

Each group will have to report your plan to the class. Now practice together what you will say. You can select one to report mainly and the others complete or you can say in turns. Each one tells about one place. And you can also have one write notes on the board if you wish.

Let them practice for a while. Then ask each group to make their presentations.

Step Ⅴ Summary

Say, In this class, we’ve read an article about Jimmy. We’ve known Jimmy has got sixteen bikes to fix up and give away.

And we’ve learned to make reading notes. We have done some reading, writing, listening and speaking practice using the target language through groupwork.

Step Ⅵ Homework


2. Check homework by asking students to read their sentences and conversations to the class.

