0  235048  235056  235062  235066  235072  235074  235078  235084  235086  235092  235098  235102  235104  235108  235114  235116  235122  235126  235128  235132  235134  235138  235140  235142  235143  235144  235146  235147  235148  235150  235152  235156  235158  235162  235164  235168  235174  235176  235182  235186  235188  235192  235198  235204  235206  235212  235216  235218  235224  235228  235234  235242  447090 

2. A .were crowded  B. were crowding   C. crowded    D. had crowded


1. A. by       B. between      C. through     D. over


15. A. build        B.    own       C. sell           D. make 


One afternoon just before Christmas, an old man was walking __1__ the city center. The shops were all full of good things and they __2__ with cheerful shoppers. Suddenly he saw a dirty boy sitting on the ground crying sadly. When the __3__ old man asked him why he __4__, the little boy told him that he had  __5__   a ten penny piece that his uncle  __6__   him. At once the old man pulled out a handful of coins. He  __7__   out a shining new ten penny piece and handed it to the child. “Thank you very much,” said the little boy, drying his  __8___. He cheered up at once.

An hour or so later, the old man was making his way  __9__   home by the same road. To his __10__he saw the dirty little boy in the same place, crying sadly as  11__. He went up to the boy and asked him  12   he had lost the ten penny piece he had __13__ given him as well. The boy told him that he had not lost the second coin  14  he still couldn’t find the first one. “__15__ I could find my own piece,” he cried, “I would have twenty pence now.”


14. A. so well    B. so soon     C. so expensive   D. so far   


13. A. with     B. at        C. for       D. on


12. A. later      B. late           C. earlier        D. early


11. A. plane        B. passenger        C. flight         D. airline    


10. A. possible          B. impossible       C. real          D. unreal    


9. A. Because of   B. Thanks to    C. Give up     D. Think of  


8. A. spends     B. takes          C. costs          D. travels

