0  235284  235292  235298  235302  235308  235310  235314  235320  235322  235328  235334  235338  235340  235344  235350  235352  235358  235362  235364  235368  235370  235374  235376  235378  235379  235380  235382  235383  235384  235386  235388  235392  235394  235398  235400  235404  235410  235412  235418  235422  235424  235428  235434  235440  235442  235448  235452  235454  235460  235464  235470  235478  447090 

30.The girl is in a red coat.

A. wears   B. puts on  C. has



29.There will be a hard rain tomorrow.

  A. difficult   B. heavy   C. heavily


28.I like bananas better than apples.

A. prefer  to  B. want  than   C. hate  than


27.One of my friends came.

A. A friend of me   B. A friend of mine   C. My one friend



26.Don`t worry about me.

A. be worried  B. be worried about  C. afraid of


(  )21.What kind of passage is it?

A.A story.         B.An ad.        C.A play.

(  )22.What kind of people can become a member of that group?

A.People from 12 to 18.   B.All young people.   C.People from 12 to 80.

(  )23.What can those people do ?

A.  Help patients in hospitals.     B.Help children in schools.

C.Help people in many ways.

(  )24.Who does Susan look after?

A.Chilren.         B.Old people.      C.Patients.

(  )25.What will you do if you want to join the group?

A. Call them or visit them.     B.Call them or visit their website. 

C.Visit their website or write to them.


(  )11.A.Even worse.      B.Much better.      C.Very well.

(  )12.A.At 8:30.       B.At 8:15.        C.At 7:45.

(  )13.A.$ 35.           B.$ 50.         C.$ 70.

(  )14.A.sunny.          B.windy.           C.rainy.

(  )15.A.a bag.          B.a key.           C.a bike.

(  )16. A. By bike.            B. By car.             C. On foot. (  )17. A. At 3 :15 pm.           B. At 3 : 15 am.         C. At 3 : 45 pm. (  )18. A. Miss Brown.          B. Tom.             C. Mr White. (  )19. A. Doing his homework.    B. Turning on the TV.      C. Watching TV. (  )20. A. gas bill        B. electricity bill       C. water bill


6.A.Yes, Why?       B.See you later.       C.I’ll be free tomorrow.

7.A.You’re welcome.      B.It’s a pleasure.     C.It doesn’t matter.

8.A.In the library.      B.Three days ago.      C.For three days.

9.A.Quite well.        B.I’m so happy.       C.They are so kind.

10.A.Not at all.        B.I will. Thank you.     C.The same to you.


(  )1.  

(  )2  



(  )3.

(  )4.

(  )5.


Ⅺ.书面表达 (共20分)






99. prefer, place, play               100. used, stories, before,


 101. allowed, or, in class               102. Jim, often, help

B. 短文写作(本题12分)


1. 你每天做的事情             2. 你最喜欢观看的比赛项目      

3. 最令你激动的时刻           4. 你的感受


