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41.The teacher is strict     every student and     everything he does.

    A.in; on         B.on; with        C.with; on        D.with; in


40.Your hair needs     .

    A.to cut          B.cut            C.cutting         D.cutted


39.Schools don’t allow      answers in the exam.

    A.copy          B.to copy        C.copying        D.copied


38.The reason is     he was late for the meeting yesterday.

    A.what          B.\             C.that           D.why


37.-       your school uniform and put on this T-shirt. It’s too hot here.

    -Oh, thank you, Mum. I don’t like    the school uniform at all.

    A.Wear; putting on  B.Put on; wearing  C.Take off; wearing D.Take off; wear


36.John is often made     for  thirteen hours a day by his boss.

    A.to be worked    B.work          C.working        D.to work


35.There   many kinds of birds around here, but now we seldom see them because of the air pollution.

    A.use to         B.use to have      C.use to be       D.are


34.I don’t have a partner to practice French     .

    A.by            B.with           C.on            D.to


33.He had trouble       complete sentences.

    A.make          B.making        C.to make        D.made


32.-How do you go to the office every day?

    -I often go to the office     subway. Sometimes I     a taxi.

    A.by; take        B.by; by         C.take; by        D.take; take

