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3.    Danny can’t agree with Brian’s opinion.

Finish the task in class in oral.

Step5. Pair work

Work with your partner. If you were Jenny, what would you do to stop them from fighting? Do you have any other good ideas?

Work in pairs. Then discuss it for a while.

Let some volunteers come to the front to give their advice.

Step6. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.

Finish the task in group work. Ask them to make up a dialogue or a role-play.

First, they must make a plan for the play. What happened to you? Who are fighting? Why?

Give them five minutes to finish the task. If they don’t have enough people to play, they can ask the teacher to take part in it.

Step7. Homework


2.    Brain didn’t think the money that Danny’s picked up was his.


1.    Danny and Brian both think Jenny’s cookies are good.


2.    Do Danny and Brian stop fight in this lesson?

Finish the task in class in oral.

Step3. Read the text and tell the main idea of the text. Pay attention to Danny’s and Brian’s opinions about this.

Step4. Read the text and decide the statements are true or false.


1.    Where do Danny and Brian meet?


2.    The object clause.

Teaching Difficult Points:

The object clause

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”

Lead in by discussing the following questions:

Why do you sometimes fight with others? How do you feel after the fight?

Finish the task in groups. After discussing it for a while, make the best one to show it in the class.

Step2. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:


2.    Know about the importance of peace.

Teaching Important Points:


1.    Cultivate the students’ abilities of learning English.


2.    Go on the next reading in the student book


We all hate wars because we see what wars bring us on TV, in newspapers and on Internet. We must do something to stop them. Give the students chances to open their minds. Maybe it is they that can save the earth someday.

Lesson 29: Jenny’s Good Advice

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: agree with, probably, belong, belong to

Oral words and expressions: opinion, have a talk

Teaching Aims:


2.    The object clause.

Teaching Difficult Points:

The object clause

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Show a picture of a dove and the olive branch to the class. Let them show their opinions about the peace of the world.

If you are a member in the U.N, what should you do to stop fighting? Peace and development are the main topics now.  Make a list of the plan that you make. Then present it to the class.

Step2. Listen to the tape for two times. Let them know the rhythm of the song. Can someone sing in front of the class? If anyone can, the teacher let them have a try.

Step3. Read the song as a poem line by line. Translate it into Chinese. If necessary, help them. There are some new words in it. Some words are difficult to understand.

Step4. Play the song again for several times again. Let the students sing after it.

Step5. Practice

Divide the class into two groups to read the song. Then sing the song together. If necessary, play the tape again. If they can’t sing it well, the teacher teaches them line by line.

Step6. Come to “PROJECT”.

Finish the task in groups of three or four.

Wars bring suffering to people. We all love peace and hate war. We have an organization called the U.N. which is to stop fight and keep peace in the world.  It is made up of six main countries in the world.

When there is a fight on the earth, we may think it’s time for the U.N. to play an important part. Now imagine you are representing China at the U.N. Make a speech about how the U.N. should work to stop war.

Present your speech to a small group of classmates and listen to their speeches. As a group, talk about your speeches. Ask each other questions about your opinions and information.

After five minutes, ask several groups to present their result to the class.

Step7. Homework

