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1.    Learn to sing the song.


2.    Create the students’ interests of foreign songs.

Teaching Important Points:


1.    Know more about the occupation in foreign countries.


2.    What exam will the student have?

Read the text and finish task in class in oral.

Step4. Practice

Make a calendar of the thing you do after school.

Work in groups to finish the task. After a while, let some groups present their calendars in front of the class.

When the students are discussing, the teacher walks around the classroom to solve the problems that probably happen.

Step5. Make a list of the occupation. Tell what they do every day. Show some pictures to the students. Let them see the different features of different jobs.

Step6. Come to “PROJECT”

Use the list that we make in Step5. Choose one of your favourite and make a calendar.

Work in groups to finish the task. Divide the class into groups of three or four. Everyone write down his calendar. Then check each other’s in groups. Ask them to discuss what they do are right or wrong.

After a while, let some students present in front of the class.

Step7. Homework

Make a calendar for you parents. Check what you write when you go home. What your parents do is the same as your plan?


The homework is interesting. It gives the students chances to know more about their parents’ work. At the same time, give the parents chances to know more about their children’s life and study. The students also practice their written English in finishing the homework.

Lesson 44: Keep Your Choices Open

Teaching Content:

Mastery words and expressions: choice, successful, government

Teaching Aims:


1.    When will the merchant shop for manger’s birthday?


2.    A lawyer’s duty is to help people understand and use ______.

Finish the task in class in oral.

Step3. Read the text and answer the following questions:


1.    The passage tells us ______’s life, Merchant’s life and _____ planner.


3.    Practice the adverbial clauses.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Check one’s calendar

Teaching Preparation: pictures

Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Step1. Lead in by making a calendar of this weekends according to what we learn in this lesson. Let the students check in groups and ask questions about each other’s calendar. Then present some in front of the class.

Step2. Listen to the tape and write down the main points of each person. What did they do? When? Write down first, then we can check it in the next step.

At the same time, fill in the blanks with the words you hear:


2.    How to write a calendar.


1.    Know more words about occupation.

