0  235846  235854  235860  235864  235870  235872  235876  235882  235884  235890  235896  235900  235902  235906  235912  235914  235920  235924  235926  235930  235932  235936  235938  235940  235941  235942  235944  235945  235946  235948  235950  235954  235956  235960  235962  235966  235972  235974  235980  235984  235986  235990  235996  236002  236004  236010  236014  236016  236022  236026  236032  236040  447090 

32. “Tom, where is your father?” “I’m not sure. He _____ in the office.”

      A. maybe    B. is      C. may be     D. may




31. What do you think “joy” ________?

      A. mean     B. means    C. meaning    D. meant




(    ) 1. A. medicine    B. medical    C. mad

(    ) 2. A. author     B. other     C. another

(    ) 3. A. worry     B. worrying    C. worried

(    ) 4. A. what about   B. as if      C. what if

(    ) 5. A. Mrs      B. miss      C. meet


(    ) 6. Where do the singers come from?

     A          B        C

(    ) 7. What does the girl mainly eat?

     A          B        C

(    ) 8. What does Gary have?

     A          B        C

(    ) 9. What would the girl do if she had a day off in the evening?

     A          B        C

(    ) 10. What caused a lot of trouble?

     A          B        C


(    ) 11. What kind of movies does Bill prefer?

      A. He prefers sad movies.

      B. He prefers funny movies.

      C. He prefers movies about school life.

(    ) 12. What does the woman think of the shirt?

      A. It’s not nice.    B. It’s expensive.     C. It’s cheap.

(    ) 13. Whose is this notebook?

      A. Li Hua’s.      B. Jack’s.        C. Mike’s.

(    ) 14. What is the girl like?

      A. She is a little shy.   B. She is quiet.   C. She is very confident.

(    ) 15. Why did Liu Mei come to school late?

      A. Because she did a lot of housework.

      B. Because she missed the early bus.

      C. Because she forgot the time.



(    ) 16. Where are the things?

      A. On the table.   B. On the bed.   C. On the floor.

(    ) 17. Whose is the toy car?

      A. Ming’s.     B. Tony’s.     C. Carol’s


(    ) 18. What day is it today?

      A. Monday.    B. Saturday.     C. Sunday.

(    ) 19. What kind of music does the boy like?

      A. Music that he can dance to.

      B. Music that he can sing along with.

      C. Music that’s quiet and gentle.

(    ) 20. Where will they go tomorrow?

      A. To the music concert.  B. To the amusement park.. C. To the street side cafe.


(    ) 21. How old is Michael?

      A. 16 years old.     B. 15 years old.      C. 25 years old.

(    ) 22. What is Michael interested in?

      A. Playing basketball.   B. Going hiking.     C. Listening to music.

(    ) 23. What group does he want to join?

      A. The dancing group.   B. The sports group.    C. The music group.

(    ) 24. Who gives Michael some advice?

      A. His teacher.      B. His parents.      C. His sister.

(    ) 25. What group does he join at last?

      A. The basketball club.    B. The dancing group.   C. The music group.


Put on enough clothes
Eat too much hot food
Drink lots of _26_
Eat more _27_
Exercise _28_
_30_ at night
Look after _29_


某英文报举办“家乡的变化”主题征文活动。请你根据以下提示,以“The Changes in My Hometown”为题,用英语写一篇80词左右的短文。

过去:1。生活贫困,房屋破旧。 2。污染严重,垃圾遍地。 3。 交通不便,游客很少。

现在:1。生活:住房宽敞、明亮,许多人有自己的汽车。 2。环境:山更绿,水更清,天更蓝。  3。旅游:每年有成千上万来自世界各地的游客。




The Changes in My Hometown

In the past, my hometown was very small.                                                                                                       




Ting Ting:  How was your weekend?

Xiu Xie:     81 

Ting Ting: What did you do over the weekend?

Xiu Xie:    I went to the People’s Park on Saturday morning with some of my classmates.

Ting Ting: Oh.  82 

Xiu Xie:    Not really. When we went into the park, we saw rubbish everywhere. It was very dirty.

Ting Ting: It’s true that some travelers littered about. Then what did you do?

Xiu Xie:    We began to clean the park.  83   Some swept the ground…About an hour later, we cleaned up the park. We were happy though a little tired.

Ting Ting:  84   People will thank you.

Xiu Xie:    Yeah. When we were cleaning the park, some volunteers came,  85   We should regard our city as our home.

Ting Ting: Then our city will become more and more beautiful.


80、 It is our duty to help b_____ people because they are not able to see.


79、 Alice and Maria enjoyed p_______ the violin very much.


78、 She has v_______ a lot of places since she came to Ningbo.


77、 Do you read a d_________ newspaper?


76、 She is a m_______ of a tennis club.

