0  235857  235865  235871  235875  235881  235883  235887  235893  235895  235901  235907  235911  235913  235917  235923  235925  235931  235935  235937  235941  235943  235947  235949  235951  235952  235953  235955  235956  235957  235959  235961  235965  235967  235971  235973  235977  235983  235985  235991  235995  235997  236001  236007  236013  236015  236021  236025  236027  236033  236037  236043  236051  447090 

24、Here are some birthday cards with our best ______ for her.

A. wish         B. hope        C. wishes   


23、He bought _______.

A. two pairs of shoes    B. two pair of shoes   C. two pairs of shoe  


22、______ room is next to their parents’.

A. Kate’s and Joan’s     B. Kate and Joan    C. Kate and Joan’s  




21、What ______ interesting film it is! I like ______ film very much.

A. a, the        B. a, a        C. an, the    


16. Where will they go?

  A. China.         B. A park.              C. A town.

17. How long will it take them to go there?

  A. Three hours.     B. More than four hours.    C. Less than four hours.

18. What will they have for lunch?

  A. bread and water  B. apples              C. both A and B

19. What can they do after lunch?

  A. Go shopping.    B. Go camping.           C. Go boating.

20. What’s the speaker’s mobile phone number?

 A. 13726156656    B. 13926158856         C. 13726158856


听第一则对话,回答第6-8 小题。

6. What size T-shirt does the man want?

  A. Size L     B. Size M    C. Size S

7. What color T-shirt does the man like?

  A. Brown    B. White    C. Black

8. How much is the T-shirt?

  A. $ 45     B. $ 46         C.$ 48


9. How will Kathy spend her summer vacation?

  A. Studying at home. B. Traveling abroad.  C. Doing a part-time job

10. How does Kathy feel these days?

  A. Bored        B. Excited.          C. Tired.

11. Where does the man suggest Kathy go at last?

  A. Hawaii        B. Switzerland    C. England


12. How far is it from their school to the zoo?

  A. Only a 45-minute walk   B. Only a quarter’s walk 

C. Only half an hour’s walk

13. Where is the woman after she turns left?

  A. On School Road      B. In the zoo     C. On Green Street

14. What is on the corner?

  A. A coffee shop        B. A hotel       C. The traffic lights

15. Where can the woman get a cup of coffee?

 A. In the zoo.          B. On Green Street.  C. In the park.


1.Which sign are they talking about?


A.        B.       C.

2.What will the girl probably buy for her father? 

A          B         C

3. What does the girl want to be when she grows up?


A.         B.         C.

4. What was the weather like last Saturday?


A.         B.         C.

5. What animal doesn’t the man like?

A.          B.         C.



A. 连词成句 (共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)

根据所给单词或词语, 完成句子。要求符合语法,语言通顺,大小写及标点等正确。

86. down, sat, the, Caroline, came, and, classroom, into


87. you, the, a, do, who, know, is, in, red, girl, skirt


88. enough, hold, room, is, this, to, big, people, 80


89. nor, this, bread, sold, eggs, shop, neither, were, in


90. this, Sandy, three, not, come, home, until, back, o’clock, did, morning


B. 书面表达 (共计 10 分)

星期五上午8:30全市初三年级将进行英语测试,你班的英语教师 (Smith) 临时有事,请你替她在班上作一些事项交代。要点如下:






1.不要逐句翻译  2.字数60~80  3.你要讲的首句话已给出(不计入总词数)

Dear students,

May I have your attention, please?










1-5 CBBCB  6-10 BACCB  11-15 ABBBA  16-20 CABCB  21-25 CBCBB  26-30 CDBCA 31-35 BDBAB  36-40 CBDBB  41-45 ABCAA  46-50 BCABA  51-55 ABADD  56-60 DABDC 61-65 ACCDB  66-70 DBBDB  71-75 DBACC  76. music  77. 682-679  78. live with a new family  79. make friends  80. improve  81. December  82. tried on  83. larger  84. kept  85. used to

86. Caroline came into the classroom and sat down.

87. Do you know the girl who is in a red skirt?

88. This room is big enough to hold 80 people.

89. Neither bread nor eggs were sold in this shop.

90. Sandy did not come back home until three o’clock this morning.

Dear students,

May I have your attention,please? 

Mr. Smith can’t be here because he has some other thing to do. He asked me to tell you something about tomorrow’s English exam. The English exam starts at 8:30 tomorrow morning. It’s an important exam so don’t be late for it. We must get everything ready for the exam and have a good rest. We have to read the questions carefully before we answer them. And we have to write the answers clearly. Mr. Smith wish us good results (high marks).


85. My mother ___________________ (过去常常) go to work by bicycle, but now she walks to work every day.


84. I have __________________ (借) this book for two weeks. I have to return it now.

