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do ,  you ,  happy ,  be ,  help ,  need ,  alone ,  have ,  feel ,  good ,

  Every ___1___ friends . We all like ___2____close to someone . It is nice to have a friend to talk and ___3____ things with .Certainly , sometimes , we need to be___4___ . We don’t always want people around . But a man will feel lonely if he ____5___ a friend .

  No two people are just the same. Friends sometimes don’t get on____6___ . That doesn’t mean that they no longer like each other . Most of the time they will make up and become friends again . There____7___ more good news for people who have friends. They live longer than people who don’t . Why ? It could be that they are ____8___ . Being happy___9____ you stay well . Or it could be just knowing that someone cares . If someone cares about you  , you take better care of ___10______.

1.       2.       3.       4.        5.                                              


Some day little cars may take the place of today’s cars  . If everyone ___1__ such a little car in the future , there will be less pollution in the air , there will be more parking space in cities , and the streets will be __2___ crowded . The space now for one car of the usual size can hold ___3__ one such little car .

The little cars will ___4__ much less to own and to drive . Driving will be ___5___ , too , because these little cars can go only 50 kilometers an hour .

The cars of the future will be fine for going ___6__  the city , but they will not be useful for going far away . The little car needs only two batteries ( 电池 ) - one battery for the motor ,and __7___ for the horn and the lights . If we still __8__ the big cars along with the small ones , we will need ___9____ two kinds of roads. Some roads will be used for the __10___cars ,and other roads will be needed for the small slow ones .

(   ) 1. A. drives      B. sits     C. makes     D. sells

(   ) 2. A. more      B. less     C. much     D. fewer

(   ) 3. A. at most     B. no more    C. less than    D.  more than

(   ) 4. A. pay       B. spend     C. cost      D. have

(   ) 5. A. faster      B. harder    C. more dangerous  D. safer     

(   ) 6. A. over      B. around    C. from      D. past

(   ) 7. A. another     B. the other   C. one       D. others

(   ) 8. A. think      B. park     C. use       D. love

(   ) 9. A. to build     B. put     C. building     D. opens

(   ) 10. A. small slow   B. big slow    C. big fast     D. small fast


5.       那小孩要等到他母亲回家才上床睡觉。

The child _____  ______  _______  _____  ______ his mother comes home .


4.       将来我们这儿会有更多的商店。

In the future , ______  _______  _______  _______ shops here .


3.       我正在河边散步时,碰到一个老朋友。

I met an old friend _____  I  _____  ______  _______  ______along the river .


2.       科学家正在设法使机器人做和人同样的事情。

Scientists are trying to make robots ________  _________  ________  things _________  a person .

