0  236088  236096  236102  236106  236112  236114  236118  236124  236126  236132  236138  236142  236144  236148  236154  236156  236162  236166  236168  236172  236174  236178  236180  236182  236183  236184  236186  236187  236188  236190  236192  236196  236198  236202  236204  236208  236214  236216  236222  236226  236228  236232  236238  236244  236246  236252  236256  236258  236264  236268  236274  236282  447090 

12. -When is your father going to Hong Kong?

   -He is going there     July 28th.

      A. on            B. at           C. in           D. to


11.-How often does your sister surf the internet?

  -About       .

A. three time                   B. three times   

C. three time every day              D. three times a day


1.I’m t       ,I think I should have something to drink.

2.Ruben is very smart. He studies all the time. He’s i         .

3.He talked too much yesterday, so he had s sore t         .

4.I am sorry I can’t go to my friend’s party, because I am b     my little brother tomorrow.

5.People who have something wrong with their teeth should see a d       .

6.Doing morning exercises is a good way to keep h         .

7. It is i      to eat a balanced diet.

8. Tom likes watching TV and he u        watches TV after supper at home.

9. Thanks for your i     me to the meeting.

10. The subway takes him forty m     to go to the bank.


61. took        62. questions   63. minutes     64. without     65. birthday



45. Because he kept the bigger orange for himself.

B. 46-50 ABBBD

C. 51-55CDCAB

(VI)56. finished     57. get     58. looking     59. money      60. asked


44. The younger one.


43. No, he didn’t


42. He asked for some money for sweets.


41. He was cleaning his car.


30.We had a (really) great time.

