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20.(    ) If you have problems, please go and ask your teacher       some help.

        A. to           B. about         C. for           D. with


19.(    ) The trash is terrible, could you please take       ?

        A. out it         B. it out         C. with it        D. it with


18.(    ) He’s going to be a pilot when he       up.

        A. is growing     B. grow         C. grows        D. is gong to grow


17.(    ) Everyone in my class       busy with their homework now.

        A. is               B. are           C. has          D. have


16.(    ) There is going to       a school meeting next week.

        A. get          B. have         C. is            D. be


15.(    ) All the students stopped       when they saw the headteacher     .

        A. to talk, to come B. talking, coming  C. talking. came   D. to talk, come


14.(    ) My parents are        busy        me with my homework.

        A. so, that help    B. very, with      C. too, to help     D. not so, as


13.(    ) He       to China and started         here five years ago.

        A. comes, to live   B. is coming, living    C. came, living    D. came, live


12.(    ) --- When       the girl born?     --- Ten years ago.

        A. is               B. was          C. did          D. does


11.(    ) He helped Sally        a new watch on vacation.

        A. buying        B. bought           C. buy          D. to buys

