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32. You don’t need ____ here every day.

A. come  B. to come    C. coming    D. came


31. The teacher asked ____ to the front.

A. him and me    B. him and I  C. his and mine    D. he and I


30. Mr. Li lives in ____ city of Beijing.

A. a B. an    C. the    D. /


29. Yesterday, Jim ____ home very late.

A. got to B. arrived in  C. arrived at  D. reached


28. --- ____ will you be away?

  --- About two weeks.

A. When B. What time  C. How long  D. How far


27. We go to school ____ our bikes every day.

A. by    B. take   C. in    D. on


26. --- Lucy, please give me a cup of water.

  --- ____.

A. Yes, I can  B. No, thanks  C. Here you are    D. Yes, please


25. Mr. Smith left ____ the morning of October first.

A. at    B. in    C. on    D. about


24. There are ____ years in a century (世纪).

A. hundred   B. one hundred    C. a hundreds  D. hundreds


23. You don’t need ____ wait for me.

A. to    B. /  C. for    D. at

