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3. 月份

   我们一起来学习一下英语中十二个月份的写法。在实际使用中,月份通常可以用前三个字母来缩写,但一般情况下May, June, July没有缩写形式。



2. What year were you born?


   what year表示对年代提问,相当于疑问副词when,所以该句也可用when提问:When were you born?当然用what year提问强调是哪一年出生的。

   be born出生。当我们说某人出生于某时或某地时,总是用一般过去时,即was / were born, was是am, is的过去式,were是are的过去式。例如:

   -Where were you born?


   -I was born in Wuhan.


   -When was your sister born?


   -She was born on March 11th, 1990.



1. when引出的特殊疑问句

   when是一个疑问副词,意为:什么时候,何时,引出一个特殊疑问句。when可以对年、月、日以及时刻进行提问或者询问某一动作发生的时间,回答时常用介词at, in, on等组成的表时间的介词短语。例如:

   -When is your birthday?


   -My birthday is / It’s July 16th.


   -When do you go to school every day?


   -I go to school at 6:30 every day.


   -When will your parents come to see you?


   -On Sunday.


   另外,除了when之外,还可用what time就时间进行提问,what time更强调“几点”。如:

   -What time is it? -It’s six o’clock.



  X. 书面表达(5分)





   A mother and her young son get on a bus in a small city and sit down. The bus conductor comes to them for their money. The mother says, “I want a ticket to Oxford.”And gives her a shilling.

   The conductor looks at the small boy and says to him, “How old are you, young man?”The mother begins speaking, but the conductor stops her and the boy says, “I’m four years old at home, and two and a half on buses.”

   The mother takes six penny out of her bag and gives to the conductor. The conductor gives her one and a half tickets.

  1. Where are the mother and her son now?


  2. Where do they want to go?


  3. How much is a ticket?


  4. How old is the small boy?


  5. How much does the mother pay altogether?




   George is a young man. He has a very big dog and a very small car. He likes playing volleyball. One day, after he plays volleyball for an hour at his club, he runs out and jumps into a car. His dog comes after him, but it doesn’t jump into the same car, it jumps into the next one.

   “Come here, silly dog!”George cries at it, but the dog still stays in the other car.

   George puts his key into the lock of the car, but the key doesn’t turn. Then he looks at the car again. It’s not his! He is in a wrong car. But the dog is in the right one.

  1. George likes ______________ .

   A. playing basketball              B. playing volleyball

   C. playing with his dog            D. driving his car

  2. George __________, so he jumps into a wrong car.

   A. is careful(细心的)           B. plays volleyball

   C. is careless                    D. runs out

  3. The dog __________ .

   A. doesn’t like George             B. cries at George

   C. doesn’t jump into a car          D. is clever

  4. Why doesn’t George open the door? Because ___________ .

   A. it isn’t his car

   B. something is wrong with the door

   C. something is wrong with the key

   D. George is silly(愚蠢)

  5. Which of the following is the best title(题目)?


   A. George

   B. George and his dog

   C. George and his car

   D. George likes playing


5. What’s the price of the dictionary?(改为同义句)

   _________ _________ is the dictionary?


4. The boy under the tree is Li Lei.(对画线部分提问)

   _________ _________ is Li Lei?


3. I like Chinese. (改为否定句)

   I _________ _________ Chinese.

