0  236334  236342  236348  236352  236358  236360  236364  236370  236372  236378  236384  236388  236390  236394  236400  236402  236408  236412  236414  236418  236420  236424  236426  236428  236429  236430  236432  236433  236434  236436  236438  236442  236444  236448  236450  236454  236460  236462  236468  236472  236474  236478  236484  236490  236492  236498  236502  236504  236510  236514  236520  236528  447090 

  action  movie            action movies         thriller

   thrillers                 comedy             comedies

   documentary             documentaries

   funny           great               scary           exciting

   sad             fun            boring

   扩展单词  Extended Words


   adventure/adventures(冒险片)            useful(有用的)

   tragedy/tragedies(悲剧)                 instructive(有教育意义的)

   cartoon/cartoons(卡通片)               musical/musicals(音乐片)

   western/westerns(西部片)            serial/serials(系列片)





   Find out and talk about the favorite kinds of movies.



VII. 写作园地。(13分)

   这是Jim Green一家的全家福,请你用所学过的语言和图中所给的信息介绍这一家人。



   Jack:Sue! You wear a new coat! It’s nice!

   Sue:Thank you, Jack. This is my birthday present.(礼物)

   Jack:Oh! When is your birthday?

   Sue:It’s October 1st. It’s National Day, too.

   Jack:It’s great! Who gave (给)this great present to you?

   Sue:My mother. I received(收)a lot of presents from my family.

   Jack:I think you must be(一定)happy that day.

   Sue:Of course, I enjoyed my birthday party very much.

   (   )1. What’s Sue’s birthday present?

   A. A new coat.

   B. A new watch.

   C. A new bike.

   (   )2. When is Sue’s birthday?

   A. Teachers’ Day.

   B. New Year’s Day.

   C. National Day.

   (   )3. Who gave this present to Sue?

   A. Her father.

   B. Her brother.

   C. Her mother.

   (   )4. Is Sue happy on her birthday?

   A. No, she isn’t.

   B. Yes, she is.

   C. She is happy.



   In Japan, there are many holidays and other great days. We can tell only a few here.

   The fifth birthday of a boy is a great day in the family. The boy puts on a shirt like the one his father wears. It is an important moment in his life and means that he must now be a manly little boy like his father. He must smile when he has pain(疼痛)or trouble. He must carry on.

   The day a girl becomes seven years old is a big day in the family. She may now wear a sash(腰带)like the one her mother wears. Her friends and her mother’s friends come and drink tea and eat cakes. It means that the girl must now be a womanly little girl and help in the home.

   One of the great holidays in Japan is the Emperor’s(天皇)birthday. Instead of school, there are picnics, sports and speeches(演讲),as we have on our fourth of July in America.


  1. an important monent重要的时刻

  2. means意味着

  3. a manly little boy男子汉气概的小男孩

  4. must carry on必须坚持

   (   )1. How many holidays and great days can you find in the story?

   A. Four.            B. Three.            C. Two.

   (   )2. When a boy begins to wear a shirt like the one his father wears, ___________.

   A. he needn’t go to school

   B. he isn’t boy

   C. he must be a boy of strong character(品格)

   (   )3. Which birthday of a girl is a big day in her family?

   A. The fifth.

   B. The sixth.

   C. The seventh.

   (   )4. Japanese children don’t go to school on ___________.

   A. their fifth birthdays

   B. their Emperor’s birthday

   C. their fifth and seventh birthdays

   (   )5. From the story, we can know the writer is from _________.

   A. China            B. America              C. Japan


5. There is a speech c______ between Class 4 and Class 5.


4. September is the n_______ month of the year.


3. -Do you have a pop c_______?

   -Sorry, I don’t know.

