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2. Don’t play _______fire.It’s dangerous.

A. in      B. with  C. on   D. /


1. --------Where ____ Mary's pen pals ______from? --------The United Kingdom.

     A. does, come   B. does, live   C. do, come   D. are, live


9.否定前置:She doesn’t think the boy wants to join the club. //I don’t think he is at home.


8.否定陈述句 : I don’t like comedies and I don’t like thrillers.= I don’t like comedies or thrillers.


7.肯定陈述句: I like hamburgers for lunch. ///I sell the socks for only $3.


6.选择疑问句: Can you sing or dance?  //Do you like science or Chinese?


5.对划线部分提问=变特殊疑问句):My notebook is on the dresser.-------Where’s your notebook?

My notebook is on the dresser.-------What’s on the dresser?

My name is Lily.------------------------What’s your name?

My telephone number is 1231231--------What’s your telephone number?

Eight and two is eight.--------What’s eight and two?

The rulers are green.----------What color are the rulers?

This(That,It) is an English book.---------What’s this/that/it?

I have an eraser.---------What do you have?

The girl is thirteen years old.---------How old is the girl?

The blue skirt is $40.-------How much is the blue skirt?

Tom and Lucy have three apples.-------How many apples do Tom and Lucy have?

The girl has an eraser.--------What does the girl have?

Shirley is my English teacher.------Who is your English teacher?

My name is Kelsy, K-E-L-S-Y.-----------How do you spell your name “Kelsy”

My favorite subject is English.-----------What’s your favorite subject?

She likes music best.--------------What does she like best?

Lily gets up at around 8:00. --------What time does Lily get up ?

Her brother goes to school at 9:00 on Sunday morning.-----When does her brother go to school?

I like math because it is interesting.-------Why do you like math?

I want to join the swimming club.-------What club do you want to join?


4.单变复:This is a dictionary.------These are dictionaries.

复变单:Those are my brothers.------That is my brother.


3.She can speak English well. -----She can’t speak English well.-----Can she speak English well?


2.I have a backpack. ----I don’t have a backpack.----Do you have a backpack?

Yes, I do. //No, I don’t.   She has a backpack.-----She doesn’t have a backpack.=-------Does she have a backpack?  Yes, she does./// No, she doesn’t.

