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3. How many ____________(图书馆)are there in your city?


2. The girl in red is___________ (看) TV in the room.



1. I’m very ____________ (饥饿的), I want some food to have.


J. Yes, but they’re ugly, too.          6-10 ____________  11-15 __________



A. How’s it going?
B. What are you doing?
C. Where are you?
D. The weather is very different (不同的) in different places.
E. How’s the weather there?

A: Hello. Chen Yuan! This is Judy.

B: Hi, Judy.  1   I miss(想念) you very much.

A: I’m in Canada. I’m studying here now.

B: That’s great!   2 

A: Not bad. How about you?

B: Pretty good.   3   

A: It’s cold and humid. It’s snowing outside.

B: Snowing? Wow. Chongqing is sunny and hot.   4   

A: You’re right!   5   

B: I’m talking to my good friend, Kelly!

A: Oh, I see. Thank you.            1-5 _____________


A. The elephants? Why do you like elephants?

B. Oh, Tony! So, where do you want to go?

C. Excuse me. Where do you want to go now?

D. Oh, yeah. I love pandas. They’re beautiful. But they’re also kind of shy. Where are they?

E. Thank you for telling me.

F. Let’s see the elephants.

G. Let’s see the pandas. They’re kind of cute.

H. Oh, they’re interesting. And they’re really clever.


Many Americans like to have their vacation in  1   countries. One day an American    2   comes to China. This is her first time (次数) to China and she wants to   3   some friends there. She meets a Chinese. This Chinese wants to talk   4   with the American. When he sees her, he comes up, says “   5   ” to her, then he begins his first talk with someone   6   an English-speaking country.

“How old are you?” the Chinese   7  .

“I’m   8  . Please don’t ask a lady (女士) about her   9   .” answers the woman.

The Chinese is surprised. He doesn’t know   10   .  Can you help him?

1.(  ) A. an other       B. the other         C. other        D. others

2.(  ) A. man         B. boy           C. woman       D. child

3.(  ) A. be          B. being           C. have            D. having

4.(  ) A. with English   B. with Chinese       C. in English     D. in Chinese

5.(  ) A. OK             B. hello            C. sorry        D. good-bye

6.(  ) A. to          B. at             C. of         D. from

7.(  ) A. says          B. tells            C. talks        D. speaks

8.(  ) A. sure         B. shy             C. happy       D. sorry

9.(  ) A. dinner         B. age             C. job        D. family

10.(  ) A. how         B. why             C. what        D. where


20.(  ) John, can you             the picture in English?

A. say          B. tell          C. talk about      D. speak

