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8. help的用法:help sb. with sth.

        help sb. (to) do sth.


7. work in/during the day, work at night


6. sometimes 有时

  sometime 某个时间:Come to me sometime today.

            I will visit you sometime next week.

  some times(次数):几次

  some time(时间):一些时间



5. 两个“穿”   wear : He often wears a uniform. 静态,状态

       Put on : Please put on your uniform. 动态,动作


4. 双宾语 give me a book = give a book to me 一个动词2个名词

     show me a book=show a book to me

     buy me a book=buy a book for me

     get me a book=get a book for me

     pass me a book=pass a book to me

     区别:get money from me与get money for me

从我这儿拿钱    取钱给我


3.I work with people and money.我和人还有钱打交道。

  money 不可数 许多钱:lots of money , a lot of money, much money

         一点钱:a little money


2. That sounds interesting. Those sound interesting.


1. I want to be an actor.  an engineer,  an apple, an hour, 但是,a useful book

  want to do sth.

Don’t be late.


---What do you do? (What is your job? What are you?) ---I’m a reporter.

---What does he/she do?  ---He’s/She’s a doctor.

---What do you want to be?  ---I want to be an actor.

---What does he/she want to be?  ---He/She wants to be a reporter.



-er: worker, farmer, teacher, waiter, manager, lawyer, engineer, painter, driver

programmer, headmaster, photographer, reporter, singer, dancer, cleaner

firefighter, writer, designer

-or: doctor, actor, conductor, professor, inventor, pastor, editor

-ress: actress, waitress

-ian: musician, magician, comedian, librarian

-ist: artist, dentist, scientist, guitarist, violinist, pianist, tourist

-man/woman: salesman, policeman, fireman, businessman, postman

其它职业shop assistant, bank clerk, coach, nurse, thief


TV station, police station, hospital


now, star, money, give, get, wear, uniform, sometimes, in, dangerous, late, out,

talk, newspaper, hard, as, at, summer, story, magazine, young, play, news,

children, international, teach, skill, sir, madam

