0  236533  236541  236547  236551  236557  236559  236563  236569  236571  236577  236583  236587  236589  236593  236599  236601  236607  236611  236613  236617  236619  236623  236625  236627  236628  236629  236631  236632  236633  236635  236637  236641  236643  236647  236649  236653  236659  236661  236667  236671  236673  236677  236683  236689  236691  236697  236701  236703  236709  236713  236719  236727  447090 


1. Good morning ! sir .

2. It’s a ruler in English.

3The boy in black is Bob.

4.It isn’t a clock, it’s a watch..

5Is this your grandfather? yes he is .




76. a , do, have, tennis ,you,  racket


77. soccer, ball, my, is , the , on ,floor


78. backpack, color, what, your, is ,


79. Sonia, has, sports, a, collection


80. my, doesn’t computer father, have, a



提示:教室很大。 窗户(window)旁有花(flower)和一些植物(plant)。 门(door)后面(behind)有一个篮球;老师的桌子上有一台新电脑,我们的教室很美,我喜欢我们的教室。  
















My name’s Ye Zilu. I am a boy. I am twelve. My telephone number is 0577-62985462. I have a great collection. I have some volleyballs, basketballs, soccer balls, tennis rackets and ping-pong bats. But yesterday (昨天) I lost a volleyball. I am very sad (伤心). Do you know where it is?

Lost:  71                    
His first name : 72                  
His last name:  73                 
His phone number : 74                
What does he have:  75              



   Today is my eleventh birthday, I receive (收到 )lots of interesting birthday presents. My best friend Tina gives me a big colorful box. When I open it, I see a cute doll (玩具娃娃) in it. It is a beautiful girl. She has long blond (金色的) hair. She wears a yellow hat. But I like her red dress best.

   My cousin Alice gives me two books. She knows I like reading. My aunt and uncle buy me a new pencil case, because I will become a middle school student. There are pens, pencils, a ruler, and an eraser in it. Where is my parents' present? They tell(告诉) me it is in my bedroom. I quickly run into my room. There I see a new computer. It' s too exciting!

I say "Thank you" to everyone.


(  ) 66. How old am I?

     A. 10.         B. 11.           C. 12.            D. 9.

67.(  ) What does my best friend give me?

     A. A pencil case.           B. A doll.

     C. A red dress            D.A yellow hat

68.(   ) Why does my cousin give me two books?

     A. My cousin likes book

     B. I ask her to buy books    

C. I like reading books

     D. Books are very cheap

(  ) 69. Which of the following is true?

     A. My aunt and uncle only give me some pens and pencils

     B. I have a new computer now.

     C. My parents don' t give me any present.

     D. Five people are mentioned (提到) in the passage.

(   ) 70. What does the word "cute" mean?

    A. Pretty and lovely.          B. Clever.

    C. Tall.                D. Small.



 Look at this . Here’s a pencil case, it’s orange, it’s my pencil case, it’s on the desk. Look! This is a pen, it’s black. And this is an eraser, it’s blue and white. They’re both (都) in the pencil case. This is a ruler, it’s red, it’s on the pencil case. That is a ruler, too. It’s yellow. It’s in the drawer. Where’s my math book? oh, it’s there, under the sofa.

(   )6 1. This is      pencil case.

     A. my            B. her              C. his

(   ) 62. The yellow ruler is     

     A. in the backpack        B. in the drawer          C. on the pencil case

(   ) 63.     in the pencil case.

     A. A pen is           B. An eraser is         C. A and B are

(   ) 64. The     is orange.

     A. pen             B. pencil            C. pencil case

(   ) 65. Where is my English book?

     A. Under the sofa         B. On the desk           C. Sorry, I don’t know. 


VI. 情景对话。选择后面方框里合适的选项完成对话(共5个小题,每小题1分,计5分)

A:(W-woman; B-boy)

W: Morning, Boy!

B: Morning!

W: Can I help you?

B: 36 _______________

W: We have lots of healthy food.  37_________________

B: Oh, yes, we do . Father likes tomatoes and salad.  38__________________

W: We have all of them 39________________________________

B: I don’t like carrots.

W: Do you like ice cream?

B: Yes, I do. but today I want to buy tomatoes , salad, broccoli and carrots.

W: Ok. Here you are.

B: 40_________________________________________

W: You are welcome.

A. Mother likes hamburgers and chicken  
B. Thank you.
C. Do you like French fries?
D. What do you have?
E. And we have broccoli and carrots. 


(   ) 41. How are you?                  A. No, she doesn’t.

(   ) 42. Good morning!                 B. Fine, thanks.

(   ) 43. Do you have a ball?                C. It’s a pen.

(   ) 44. What’s her name?                D. It’s Amy.

(   ) 45. What color are the pens?             E. Nice to meet you!

(   ) 46. Nice to meet you!                F. Good morning!

(   ) 47. Is this a green pen?               G. Yes, I do.

(   ) 48. What’s this in English?              H. Yes, it is. 

(   ) 49. Where’s the pen?                 I. They’re green.

50.(   ) Does your mother watch TV?            J. It’s in the bag.


35. Which name is a girl’s name?

       A. Bruce             B. Mary             C. Peter


34.The CDs are behind the computer. Can you see ________ ? 

        A. it             B. her                C. them


33. My uncle’s daughters are my ________.

       A. brothers            B. sisters          C. cousins

