0  236601  236609  236615  236619  236625  236627  236631  236637  236639  236645  236651  236655  236657  236661  236667  236669  236675  236679  236681  236685  236687  236691  236693  236695  236696  236697  236699  236700  236701  236703  236705  236709  236711  236715  236717  236721  236727  236729  236735  236739  236741  236745  236751  236757  236759  236765  236769  236771  236777  236781  236787  236795  447090 

A: Excuse me. Is there a post office near here? 

B: Yes,  41  .Walk  42  this road and  43  the  44   turning on the right. Walk  45 

and you will see a park. The post office is next  46  it. 

A: Is it near here? 

B: It  47  you twenty minutes  48  . But you can  49   a bus. 

A: Thank you. 

B:  50  . 

41.A.it has           B. it have           C. there is           D. there are 

42.A.off                B .in              C. to               D. along 

43.A.go             B. take             C. get              D. find 

44.A.third           B. three            C .number three       D. a third 

45.A.on             B. in              C. to               D. at 

46.A.from           B. beside           C. at               D. to 

47.A.uses            B. asks             C. makes            D. lets 

48.A.on foot         B. by foot          C. on feet           D. by feet 

49.A.by             B. need            C. take             D. catch  

50.A. Not at all                         B. Don’t say that  

C. Thanks                          D. No 


A:  31   me.  32   is the bank, please? 

B:  33 ,I don't know. Please go and  34  he policeman over there. He may  35  he way.

A: Excuse me. Which is the  36  o the bank, please? 

C: Go  37  is road,  38  the second  39  on the left and you'll  40  it.

A: Thank you very much. 

31.______ 32.______ 33.______ 34.______ 35.______

36.______ 37.______    38.______ 39. ______40.______ 


30.My friend, Nancy,______.             

A. needs some helps                    B. don't need any help  

C. doesn’t need any help                  D. need some help  


29.You ______ look out of the window in class. 

A. aren't            B. don't            C. mustn't           D. wouldn't 


28.I come to school with ______ sister every morning. 

A. her and her                        B. she and she's 

C. she and her                        D. her and she  


27.-How do you go to the station from here? 


A. With my mother                     B. Fine, thank you 

C. That's all right                          D. By car  


26.That glass looks nice. Please pass______. 

A. me it             B. it me           C. me to it           D .it to me 


25.“Who sits in front of you in class?” “No one ______.” 

A. is                  B. has             C. does             D. sits  


24.Who ______ the women in the picture? 

A. is                  B. are             C. be               D. am 

